Sustainability community research

City of Port Phillip carried out a survey with the community to better understand the community's expectations of Council in addressing climate change and mitigating impacts, to explore your personal responses and sustainability actions and better understand concern around climate change.

Community feedback has been incorporated into the revised Act and Adapt Sustainability Strategy and our Climate Emergency Action Plan. 

Here is a summary of what you told us:

  • Overall concern about climate change and its predicted impacts was very high. 
  • You considered it extremely to very important that Council address each of nine issues relating to addressing climate change and sustainability.
  • Many of you in the community are unaware of Council services to support the community adapt to climate change.
  • Majority of the community unaware Council declared a climate emergency.
  • People report needing more information about how climate change will impact them to make informed decisions.
  • Half of the community are already engaging in listed sustainability activities including avoiding single use plastics (93%), sourcing locally grown food (79%), using a special recycling service (73%), modifying heating or cooling to save energy (69%), reducing car use (65%), modifying home to reduce heat loss (62%), changing to renewable energy (51%), and preparing a plan to cope with extreme weather (48%) .
  • A substantial proportion of the community are considering solar panel/batteries and Electric Vehicle purchases in the next 5 years.  
  • Half of the community reported they would consider switching from gas to electric appliances. 
  • People were more focused on efficient use of water to save water, rather than the bigger and more complex interventions such as rainwater tanks.
  • The main barriers to undertaking environmental actions were not being the property owner (40%), a lack of interest (21%) and cost (9%).
  • Common factors that would encourage involvement in local environmental activities were more information about the activities available (63%), easier access to information (60%), and a better understanding of the local environment (43%).
  • A large proportion of people reported reducing their personal car use because of the impact of climate change.
  • The main factors encouraging people to use public transport more often were reduced cost, more frequent and better services and increased safety.
  • Main factors encouraging people to walk or cycle more often were more cycling paths and tracks and separating cyclists from traffic.


To see the full results of the survey, you can view the Sustainability Survey Report online

At any time if you have any feedback or suggestions you can email us at we would love to hear from you.