Object or support a planning application

Anyone who is affected by a proposal can object or support a planning application.

Who can object or support an application?

Council may choose to advertise planning applications that may affect people in the nearby houses or businesses. The public can view advertised planning applications and make a submission to object to or support the application.

Any submission of objection or support becomes available to the public. The person applying for the planning application, Councillors, The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) and anyone interested can view them.

What can I object to?

Concerns that can be considered must be linked to the reason a permit was needed. The reason a planning permit is needed may change depending on the proposal and the zoning and overlay controls that apply to the land. Depending on these matters, Council can consider concerns such as:

  • overshadowing
  • loss of privacy or overlooking windows
  • noise
  • significant trees removed
  • visual bulk of the building
  • impact on the heritage character of the building or street
  • negative changes to the neighbourhood’s look.

Council can’t consider issues such as:

  • loss of property value
  • commercial competition
  • too many units in the area
  • the type of residents who will live in the new dwellings
  • loss of view.

How to make a submission

You can make a submission quickly and easily online using My Port Phillip. Follow these steps:

  1. Click 'View more' in the Advertised planning applications section.
  2. Search for the application by the address or the application number if you know it.
  3. When you find the right application, click 'View'.
  4. View the plans in the Attachments section and all other details of the application.
  5. Click 'Lodge a submission' to object or support the application.
  6. Complete all details on the online form and submit.

What to include with your submission

You must include the following:

  • the planning permit application number
  • the site address
  • your name, postal address, email and telephone number
  • reasons for why you’re objecting and any suggested changes that could help with your concerns.

Petitions and multiple signatories

Petitions are counted as 1 objection regardless of the number of signatories. Separate objections are required from each petitioner if you wish to have objector status and appeal rights otherwise only the first signatory, or any other person as directed, will be registered as an objector.

Consultation meetings

Council can ask the applicant and the objectors to come together for a consultation meeting. The meeting gives everyone the chance to discuss concerns, express their feelings and can lead to a better outcome for all.

Meetings are not held for all applications and it is not compulsory to attend.


After the advertising period finishes, Council will consider all submissions and make a decision to issue the permit or to refuse it.

If you objected to an application, Council will send you a copy of its decision.

If Council approves an application

You will receive a Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit (NOD) if Council decided to support the proposal. The NOD will also include conditions that the Council feel are needed in relation to the proposal.

If you objected to an application, you have 28 days from the date of the NOD to apply for a review with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).

If Council refuses an application

If Council decided to refuse the application, you will receive a Notice of Refusal.

The applicant has 60 days from the date of the Notice of Refusal to apply for a review with VCAT. The applicant also has 60 days from the date of the NOD to apply for a review with VCAT of any conditions imposed by Council on the NOD.

If the applicant lodges a review, all objectors are notified of the review by the applicant. Objectors are then provided with an opportunity to be a party to the VCAT review. This means objectors can put forward their views at VCAT, before a final decision is made.

Contact Us

Our Planning team is here to help.

Send us a message on My Port Phillip.

Phone: 03 9209 6424

Email: Planhelp@portphillip.vic.gov.au 

In-person: visit the Planning and Building Counter at St Kilda Town Hall during opening hours (8.30 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday)