New to the collection

Ross Coulter, Dishes, 2019 digital photograph 100 x 150
Recent art acquisitions
We acquire artworks through an annual acquisition program overseen by our Art Acquisition Reference Committee and in line with our Port Phillip City Collection Policy.
The Port Phillip City Collection Policy has clear criteria for new acquisitions and has consistently shaped the art collection, mapping the demographic, social and environmental changes that have occurred in the City. The acquisition process recognises the need for keeping an already significant collection active whilst continuing to support the work of contemporary artists.
Acquired works are produced by artists who live or work in the City, provide an interpretation of the local culture and urban environment, or reflect the sensibilities and current concerns of its residents. Works are acquired for the Collection annually. A committee of artists, critics and curators review potential acquisitions and make purchase recommendations to Council.
To view the art collection visit the Port Phillip City Collection database.

Children's toy tea set originally used by Bronwyn Renowden, daughter of former Port Melbourne Councillor, A V Renowden. C1935. Donated by the Renowden family.
Recent heritage acquisitions
Our heritage collection is an eclectic mix of visual material, objects, research material and 'ephemera', generally documentary items of limited permanence, which date from 1860 onwards. Typically, items in the heritage collection are specific to the history of the City of Port Phillip, with many generated from Council activities.
We welcome bequests and donations of artworks and heritage materials that fall within the collecting guidelines set out in our Port Phillip City Collection Policy. Potential additions to the collection are assessed against criteria in the Port Phillip City Collection Policy by the Heritage Acquisitions Working Group.
To view the art and heritage collection visit the Port Phillip City Collection database.