First Nations Artwork
Expression of Interest now open
Project background
Council is commissioning a small-scale First Nations Artwork located on Carlisle Street, St Kilda (see image below).
This site is located on the corner of Carlisle and Greeves streets with significant links for Traditional Owners and presents an opportunity to work closely with them on local reconciliation.
Council is seeking a First Nations Artist/s for an artwork which will be painted directly onto the wall space allocated which incorporates First Nations themes and concepts, working with the surrounding area and respecting Traditional Owners.
The artwork will serve as an opportunity to integrate storytelling in a creative way.
The proposed new artwork will be delivered with minimum impact to the current function of the road and footpath. No native vegetation or fauna will be impacted as the proposal takes place on a wide concrete footpath.

Image: Birdseye view of the wall and surrounding area of St Kilda - Wall indicated in Red
Artwork brief
The following things must be considered when applying:
- The artwork should reflect First Peoples history/themes/concepts and relate to the surrounding The successful applicant may be required to develop their work with guidance from Traditional Owner groups and Council following the assessment process
- The artwork can also reflect local history/themes/concepts that are not First Peoples related
- The artwork must be suitable for a highly visible, highly visited public space and be welcoming, vibrant inclusive and family-friendly
- The artist/s applying must be a First Nations Artist
- Artists applying can also collaborate with a Non-First Nations Artist
- The artwork will be included in Council’s Public Art collection
- The artwork needs to cover the entire wall space allocated and should not include expansive negative space that might be inviting to taggers.
- The proposed concept must be original and must not contain business logos, advertising material, or imagery that is offensive; nor is it to be seen to promote anti-social behavior or political bias.
- The artwork will be coated by an anti-graffiti coating once complete
- Total sqm of wall is 30 metres
- The completed artwork would require limited maintenance but will be included in proactive vandalism schedules to remove illegal graffiti
Project delivery
All elements must adhere to the following specifications:
- Be painted in a professional acrylic paint for outdoor use
- Cover the entirety of the wall space - Outlined in red in image below
- Respond to the public realm context in form and colour
- Professional wall preparation to allow ephemeral artwork to last at least 7-10 years
- Must be able to withstand Melbourne’s unpredictable weather such as wind, temperature changes, heat, hail
- Be resistant to vandalism by coating the mural in Anti-Graffiti protection
- Not impede on sight lines between traffic and pedestrians
- Not to include predominantly a colour palette of Red / Green or Orange
- Meet all necessary Australian Standards for safety and accessibility
- Ensure no obstructions or impediments to pedestrian, bicycle or vehicle traffic

Image: Wall to be painted outlined in red
Work on the site location will need to be completed during business hours. It is the applicant’s duty to maintain a safe working environment and immediately report to the City of Port Phillip any issues that may arise on site.
When working on the site, contractors must provide protection to the adjacent property, lights, trees, kerbs and paving if required. Any damage made must be fixed and reported to the Council immediately. A risk assessment and work safety statement must be supplied to Council.
The artist(s) will be responsible for:
- Design and creation of the artwork
- All costs associated with the artwork installation
- Attending meetings as required and working with Council to develop the artwork concept and installation schedule within Council’s timelines.
- Working with Council to ensure the artwork is appropriate for the site
- Delivery of the art as mutually agreed with Council and relevant stakeholders
- Providing a maintenance schedule if
- Participation in media calls, interviews and publicity if requested
- Public Liability Insurance to cover $20,000,000 (insurance will be covered by Auspicing Agency)
Council will be responsible for:
- Cost of Tradition Owners consultation
- Maintenance
- Project management
- Permit clearance
The project budget will be determined by the applicant.
This budget will need to cover all costs associated with the project and the winning applicant’s scope of work, including, but not limited to:
- investigations
- meetings
- reporting
- equipment
- materials
- transport
- delivery fees
- maintenance
- risk assessment
- design
- installation
- traffic management plan if required
Additional claims for disbursements will not be accepted. The contractor should prepare, as part of their quotation submission, a project budget showing how the fee has been derived. The submission must also clearly articulate any assumptions and exclusions.
Project Timelines
30 March 2025, 11:59 pm - Expressions of interest closes
13 April 2025 - Successful artists notified *
June 2025 - Installation completion *
*Please note, timelines are subject to change
Contractual Arrangements
Applicants must be an incorporated body/company, or auspiced by a body, such as Auspicious Arts.
Payment of the fee will be made in two instalments:
- 50% Upon the signing the contract
- 50% After installation
Selection Process
The assessment panel will comprise of invitees from the following groups: council officers, Traditional Owner Groups and other stakeholders.
Assessment criteria will include:
- Response to the brief,
- Originality of concept,
- Site specific response, and
- Ability to deliver a high-quality public artwork(s).
Details to include in submission:
- Name of applicant or company, postal address, legal entity, Australian Business Number (ABN). Please note, applicant must be incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act or supported by an Incorporated Association that is deemed to be non-profit, as classified by the Australian Taxation Office (section 103A(2) (c) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936).
- Rough sketch, or description of intended
- Cost estimates, methodology and design response:
- This should include graphics, sketches, or a brief methodology in point form only to show consideration of the timeframe and developmental stages with a budget.
- high level cost estimates, quotes, assumptions and risks
- Resume or portfolio:
- Evidence of previous project
- Organisation description and details of each associated discipline and contractor required such as Landscape Architects, Structural Engineer, Lighting and Electrical
- Examples of completed public domain installations (of a similar nature), concept statements and total project cost.
- Nomination of two
- Certificate of Currency of required insurances
*The Main Artists must identify as a First Nations person.
Proposals are to be emailed on or before 11:59 pm - 30 March 2025 to
Contact us
For further information contact:
Jah Smith, Graffiti and Street Art Programs
Phone: 0414 011 307