Older Persons Advisory Committee
The Older Persons Advisory Committee (OPAC) is a representative group of Port Phillip residents, aged 55 years and over, who are passionate about the role of older people in the community. Committee members are keen to share their skills, knowledge and experience, to make a difference.
The OPAC assists Council by providing advice, advocacy and feedback on all issues that affect the health and wellbeing of older residents in the City of Port Phillip. This includes issues raised by older residents. The OPAC also assists Council by providing advice and feedback in relation to policies, plans and services affecting older people. The OPAC supports and advocates for the delivery of significant Council events, activities and services relevant to older persons.

Older Persons Advisory Committee 2023
OPCC/OPAC Annual Reports 2020 - 2023
Key focus areas
- Positive Ageing Policy Implementation, Aged Care Services and Ageism Awareness (actively engage)
- Council Plan & Budget (input)
- Health & Wellbeing (actively engage with Council on these issues)
- Housing (stay informed/provide advocacy support if applicable)
- Public Spaces and Physical Environement (stay informed/provide advocacy support if applicable)
- Communication (input)
- Transport (actively engage)
The OPAC endorses the United Nations' Principles For Older Persons, including independence, participation, care, self-fulfilment and dignity.
Since its inauguration in February 2000, the OPAC has:
- formed a collaborative working relationship with Council and Staff
- advised and informed Council on issues concerning older persons
- established links with other advisory groups to Council and other relevant local organisations
- advocated for the development of the Linking Neighbours program and Seniors register
- submitted proposals to Council regarding:
- participation of older residents in community events
- practical ways of promoting a more cohesive community and sense of belonging for older residents
- advocate for safer streets and transport for older persons.
- supported the City of Port Phillip Age-Friendly Cities Project
- participated in City of Port Phillip Reviews on various service deliveries
- participated and advised on Council Plans
- members of the OPAC sit on Council working parties for key development projects
- initiated and facilitated forums and events including the City of Port Phillip Seniors’ Festival and OPAC Annual Forum
- initiated and now participate in Statewide forums for Older Person’s reference committees.
We want to hear from you
Are you an older person living in Port Phillip?
OPAC members encompass a wide range of backgrounds and views, the OPAC is accessible and engaged.
Do you have concerns or great ideas that would improve the lives of this city's older population?
Every year the OPAC run a forum on a topic that is important to you.
Our Grants and Community Building team is here to help.
Send us a message on My Port Phillip.
Phone: 03 9209 6777
Post: The City of Port Phillip, Private Bag 3, Post Office St Kilda VIC 3182
Committee Terms of Reference
Together with all other advisory and consultative groups to the City of Port Phillip, the Older Persons Advisory Committee (OPAC) was reviewed in 2021. The review recommended the continuation of the OPAC and new terms of reference were developed and adopted. Endorsed by Council June 2021. The Committee meets monthly usually on the first Monday of the month, committee members only.
View the terms of reference at Advisory Committees.