How can I submit my application?

Once you have all your documents ready, you can submit your application.

You can submit your application in the following ways:

  • standard process is for full development applications
  • VicSmart process is for simple projects that meet the Victorian Government’s rules

Standard application process

Standard applications are for the following:

  • change of use and development (commercial, industrial or mixed use)
  • change of use only (if you want to change how you use your land or building)
  • development only
  • one dwelling on a lot (single dwelling residential – most common for home renovations)
  • two or more dwellings on a lot (multi dwelling residential).

You may need more than one permit if you want to change the use of land.

You should check the costs involved before you submit your application.

VicSmart (fast track) application process

VicSmart is a faster process for simple planning permit applications.

The benefits of VicSmart include:

  • a 10 day permit process
  • applications are not advertised
  • VicSmart clearly explains which information to submit, and what Council can consider.

Who is eligible for VicSmart?

Only certain types of applications are eligible for VicSmart.

Proposals that may be eligible include:

  • minor subdivisions
  • minor buildings and works
  • tree removal and lopping
  • small advertising signs
  • car parking reductions.

For your application to be eligible for VicSmart, you need to meet criteria set by the Victorian Government. You can check the Victorian Government’s Planning website to get the full list of eligible applications.

VicSmart checklist

Whether you are submitting a new or amended application, you need to follow the relevant VicSmart checklist. Find out which checklists apply to you by downloading the Victorian Government’s checklist for VicSmart applications.

Submitting your application

The easiest and fastest way to submit your application is online, using My Port Phillip online services. Standard applications must be done using My Port Phillip.

For VicSmart applications, you can also submit by email.

Submitting your application online

To submit your permit application online:

  1. Register or log in to My Port Phillip online services
  2. Select ‘Apply for a permit’
  3. Find the permit type and click ‘Start’
  4. Provide all the development details
  5. Review and ‘Lodge’ the application
  6. Accept the Terms and Conditions
  7. Attach all supporting documents
  8. Pay the permit fee. A card payment fee applies.

Our Planning Team will email you when they have received your online application. A Council planning officer then starts the assessment process.

Submitting your application by email

To submit a VicSmart application, you will need to:

  1. complete the VicSmart application form (PDF 161 KB) 
  2. send all required documents by email to 

Contact Us

Our Planning team is here to help.

Send us a message on My Port Phillip.

Phone: 03 9209 6424


In-person: visit the Planning and Building Counter at St Kilda Town Hall during opening hours (8.30 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday)