If you have received a parking infringement, please visit our parking infringements information page.

Pay my fine

If you have your reference number you can pay a Planning Compliance, Local Law, Food Act, Health, Tobacco Act or Animal fine
Pay online

Appeal my fine

If you have your reference number you can appeal a Planning Compliance, Local Law, Food Act, Health, Tobacco Act or Animal fine
Appeal my fine

How to use My Port Phillip

My Port Phillip is our online self-service portal. You can easily keep track of your applications or requests i.e. your appeal
How to use My Port Phillip

If you have received an infringement notice issued by the City of Port Phillip, you need to take action by the due date to avoid further action and costs.

Infringement notices are issued in accordance with the Infringements Act 2006.

Your options to deal with an infringement notice:

Request a review of a fine or infringement notice

If you believe you have been unfairly issued with a fine or there is a valid reason your fine should be withdrawn, you can ask for a review.

You can apply to have your fine reviewed if:

  • you have received an infringement notice or penalty reminder notice
  • the infringement hasn’t progressed for further enforcement

This is an internal review. We have up to 90 days to process your review, or longer if we require additional information from you. We always try to complete reviews as quickly as we can. Once you finish and send us your request, your fine will be placed on hold. No further fees will be added.

You can only request one internal review for each infringement. We’ll notify you of the outcome in writing to the postal address you provided. If your application is successful, you will not need to take any action. If your application is not successful, we will outline your remaining options, and we will set a new payment date.

You can request an internal review for any of the reasons below.

Internal review (appeal) of an infringement

Elect to go to Court

If you have been issued with an infringement notice, you can choose to have the matter heard at court.

Before you apply to go to court, consider requesting a review instead. The outcomes of a court hearing can be different from an infringement notice. Consider seeking legal advice before electing to go to court.

Work and Development Permit

The Work and Development Permit (WDP) scheme provides vulnerable and disadvantaged people with a non-financial option to address their fine debt. Visit Fines Victoria's website for more information.