This page is for Local Laws infringements only.

If you have received a parking infringement, refer to parking infringements for details on how to contest a parking infringement.

If you have received a Local Laws infringement notice, you have the following options.

Pay the fine

Pay the full amount by the due date.
Pay online

Payment plan or extension

Apply online to have your fine paid under a payment plan or arrangement.
Apply online

Request an internal review

To request an internal review by Council, please complete the online form. 

You or a person acting on your behalf may make the submission. You can only make one request for an internal review as per the Infringements Act 2006, and you must select what ground you are appealing under. Please refer to the application form for further details.

If you don't want to apply online, download the Application form for a Local Laws internal review (PDF 144 KB).

Proceed to court

You can elect to have the matter heard and determined in a court at any time before an enforcement order is made. If the person fined is a child, the matter will be heard in the children’s court. If you choose to have you matter determined in court, you must immediately notify the Local Laws team.

Contact us

Our Local Laws team is here to respond to your queries.

Send us a message on My Port Phillip.

Phone: 03 9209 6777