Stormwater discharge point (drainage)
What are drainage access points?
As a property owner, you're responsible for drains on your property, up to the point where they connect to Council’s system.
Your property might connect to a Council:
- drain
- kerb
- channel.
This connection point is a drainage access point. Or a Legal Point of Discharge.
When you apply for a Building Permit, you need to include drainage access points for your property.
How do I find out where my drainage access point is?
You can ask Council for a Legal Point of Discharge Certificate. This will show you where the drainage access point for your property is.
Apply for a Legal Point of Discharge Certificate
You can apply online via My Port Phillip. Make sure you include:
- a copy of a site plan layout showing both the location of the existing buildings and proposals, such as new buildings and additions
- payment of the application fee.
To submit your application online:
- Register or log in to My Port Phillip
- On the home screen, look for the "Apply for something" menu and choose "Apply for a permit or application"
- Select Certificates
- Choose Stormwater Drainage - Legal Point of Discharge from the list
- Complete the application form
- Lodge
- Confirmation - Accept terms and conditions of use
- Summary - Attach any required documents
- Payment - Securely pay by credit card.
Report a problem
If you notice a problem with a stormwater drain or pit, you should contact us. Our Infrastructure and Maintenance team can investigate.
You can do this via My Port Phillip.
Contact Us
Our Building team is here to help.
Send us a message on My Port Phillip.
Phone: 03 9209 6253
In-person: visit the Planning and Building Counter at St Kilda Town Hall during opening hours (8.30 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday)