Planning permit process
There are many steps in the planning permit process. The time it takes to get a decision can depend on:
- how complex the proposal is
- who else is involved
- if more information is required.
The planning permit process usually involves the following steps:
Planning confirmation
A planning confirmation letter will help you find out if your project needs a planning permit, a building permit or both. The more information you provide us, the more reliable and accurate our advice will be. It is a great place to start.
Planning pre-application meeting
Before you submit a permit application, discuss your proposal with Council to get advice and support on your project. We can also help with complicated proposals.
Things to consider
A number of things can affect the process when you’re considering a project, including:
- Cost and time - many factors affect the time and cost it takes to get a planning permit. The costs can be for getting help from professionals, submitting applications and advertising your plans.
- Who to involve - during the different stages of the project, you’ll connect with many people and groups such as City of Port Phillip Council, architects and your neighbours.
- How decisions are made - Council considers many different things when they approve or refuse your permit request.
- Heritage planning - Heritage Overlays are created to make sure that any developments keep or improve the character and history of Port Phillip.
- Sustainable design - how to consider sustainable design in your plans.
Support for your business
You might need more than one permit to operate your business. Use our Business Permit Finder to see what permits and approvals you may need.
Contact us
Our Planning team is here to help.
Send us a message on My Port Phillip.
Phone: 03 9209 6424
In person: visit the Planning and Building Counter at St Kilda Town Hall during opening hours (8.30 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday)