Roads and footpaths maintenance
Our officers are responsible for ensuring our roads and footpaths are maintained in accordance with the Road Management Plan 2021. If you spot any hazards, please let us know by logging a request through My Port Phillip or Snap Send Solve (be sure to include a photo and the location of the issue) or give our friendly ASSIST team a call on 03 9209 6777.
Our contractors carry out the following works:
• Weed management on roads and laneways.
• Repair or potholes in roads and footpaths. You can find examples here, including when we will and won't repair.
• Footpath replacement and tree root management
• Repair and replacement of street furniture
• Kerb and channel repair and maintenance
• Repair or replacement of street, parking and road signs
Spotted a broken pit lid or drain cover? Take a closer look to check who it belongs to, and then report it to the appropriate utility company or service authority. Here is a handy guide to drains and pit lids, and information on how to contact the relevant service authority.
Send us a message on My Port Phillip or give our friendly ASSIST team a call on 03 9209 6777.
Areas we maintain:
• Public carparks
• Public laneways and passageways
• Roundabouts, speed humps, traffic or splitter islands, central medians (except VicRoads managed medians), kerb and channel
• Footpaths and/or bicycle paths within a council owned road reserve, pedestrian crossings and school crossings
• Parking signs, guideposts, cat eyes, traffic safety barriers and guard rails
• Street furniture and lighting
• Council owned roads, on-road bicycle lanes and parking lanes, service roads, on-road bus bays and shared zones. Some roads are owned and managed by VicRoads (a map can be found here), or Yarra Trams

Arterial road with shared responsibility

Major road with shared responsibility

Local road with full Council responsibility
Areas we don’t maintain:
- Roads or assets belonging to other authorities or utilities such as DoT, DELWP, Yarra Trams, Parks Victoria, Melbourne Water Corporation and private roads/laneways.
- Non-road assets belonging to other authorities or utilities like gas, water or sewerage pipes, utility pits, electricity poles, cables, tram wires, rail infrastructure, bus shelters, public telephones, mailboxes, roadside furniture and fences erected by utilities.
- Roads under construction before it becomes a public road.
- Legal points of discharge (stormwater drains that are constructed within the reserve of a private property).
- Vehicle crossovers (driveways) – the section of driveway between the kerb and channel and the footpath providing access from private property to a public road - resident’s responsibility to construct, maintain and repair. For more information, visit our vehicle crossing page.

Vehicle crossover (private driveway)