Port Phillip Zero
We believe that housing is a human right. We know that homelessness and especially rough sleeping homelessness has devastating consequences on the health and wellbeing of those who experience it.
Port Phillip Zero is a partnership between Council, local organisations and the community. We work together to find opportunities to create new housing and reduce rough sleeping.
The goal is to end rough sleeping homelessness in the City of Port Phillip by providing appropriate, secure, affordable long-term housing, and support, to all people who are living without a home. This uses a ‘housing first’ approach that places people experiencing homelessness directly into permanent and safe housing with 'wrap around' support services to address complex needs such as mental health and alcohol and drug support.
This initiative aims to reduce rough sleeping homelessness by working together to:
- increase housing opportunities for people sleeping rough
- implement a local Functional Zero service model.
What do we mean by Functional Zero?
Functional Zero homelessness will be reached when the number of people entering and experiencing rough sleeping homelessness within a month is less than the average six-monthly placement rate into long-term housing.
The goal of Port Phillip Zero is to achieve Functional Zero homelessness for people sleeping rough in the City of Port Phillip.
Who is part of Port Phillip Zero?
Local organisations involved include Council, Victoria Police, Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, Alfred Health, Launch Housing, Sacred Heart Mission, Salvation Army, Better Health Network, Housing First, St Kilda Community Housing, Wintringham and Ngwala.
By-name list
The by-name list is one of the most important parts of the Port Phillip Zero project. It is an up-to-date list of everyone we know to be sleeping rough, in their cars or in abandoned buildings (known as squats). We aim to know everyone by name and to learn their support and housing needs.
How is it making a difference?
Between February 2022 to February 2024, the Port Phillip Zero achieved a 40% decrease in rough sleeping in the City of Port Phillip.
How can I help?
You can help by letting us know if you come across someone who may be experiencing homelessness so we can reach out to them to offer care and support. Our Housing, Safety and Reconciliation team is here to help.
Send us a message on My Port Phillip.
Phone: 03 9209 6777
If you are concerned about someone’s immediate safety, please contact 000.