Book a sports ground

Find and book sports grounds and facilities in Port Phillip at parks, reserves and along the foreshore.

Port Phillip is home to 120 sporting and recreation groups that regularly use a Council and Parks Victoria sporting ovals, reserves and pavilions for training and competition. The City of Port Phillip has a seasonal ground allocation program to ensure all groups have equal access to our multi-use facilities.

  • Winter Season runs from 1 April to 31 August
  • Summer Season runs from 1 October to 28 February

All sports ground usage during March and September is reserved for finals, ground maintenance and pre-season training. Club requests for usage during this time are dependent upon availability.

Book a sports ground

Our bookings portal will show you when venues are available and get a price estimate. You can upload the information we need to make your booking experience as smooth as possible.

If you're having trouble, the booking portal help cards can help you through the process.

Booking portal help cards

The following help cards can help you through the online booking process:

Once your booking is made, our team will be in touch to work through the details.

Contact us

Our Sport and Recreation team is here to help. Get in touch if you have any questions, would like to discuss your options or need a print version of the booking form.

Send us a message on My Port Phillip

Phone: 03 9209 6777