Strategies, policies and plans

Discover the strategies and visions that help make Port Phillip a bold, liveable, caring and beautiful place.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

An accessible Word version of any policy can be provided on request.

Who we are

Council PlanThe Council Plan sets out what we want to achieve for the City of Port Phillip by 2031, and how we will support the current and future health and wellbeing of the City and our people.

Gender Equality Action Plan (PDF 2 MB)

Gender Equality Action Plan Progress Report (PDF 536 KB)

The plan aims to ensure our workplace is safe, respectful, fair and inclusive for everyone. Under Victoria’s Gender Equality Act, the City of Port Phillip is one of 300 Victorian public sector entities that must develop a gender equality action plan. Gender equality is about people of all genders and backgrounds having equitable access to opportunities, recognition and pay in our organisation.

Arts and heritage


Creative and Prosperous City Strategy 2023-26 (PDF 3.06 MB)

The outcomes this strategy seeks to achieve are: A City of dynamic and distinctive precincts and places; A prosperous City that attracts and grows businesses; A City where arts, culture and creative expression are part of everyday life; A City where community, creativity and business are connected and engaged.
Heritage Recognition Program Guidelines (DOCX 57 KB)

Provides a coordinated approach to identifying, marking and linking places of historical or cultural interest and significance across the City of Port Phillip. They provide a strategy and criteria for the nomination, selection and installation of heritage recognition markers.

Live Music Action Plan (PDF 2.1 MB)

The Live Music Action Plan is responsible for 50 actions designed to support the music industry. The goal is to see these actions realised with tangible and significant benefit over a long period of time.

Monuments and Memorials Guidelines (PDF 548 KB)

To inform the administration, assessment and development of Council’s memorials and monuments collection, including collection management and asset management procedures that apply to the maintenance of Council-owned objects, and new memorials (see New Memorial application form)

Port Phillip City Collection Policy 2019 (PDF 720 KB)

The guiding document for collection management and key decision-making relating to the Collection, outlining the requirements around collection development through acquisition, documentation, conservation and access.
Public Art Guidelines 2017 (PDF 34 KB)Outlines the principles and objectives to further develop public art and integrate it into Council’s public realm planning, and in programs that support arts and cultural activity. It maps a direction for the development of public art in the City of Port Phillip within the context of Council’s existing policies and plans.


Outdoor Trading (Dining) Policy (PDF 5.4 MB)The Outdoor Trading (Dining) Policy sets out how we manage the provision of outdoor trading opportunities across the City. 

Council assets

Asset Management Policy 2021 (PDF 493 KB).

Council is the custodian of $3 billion worth of assets that provide valued services. This strategy covers the management of these assets, including buildings, Council-owned land, roads, footpaths, drainage pipe and pits, art, library books and other assets.

Catering Policy (PDF 374 KB)The purpose of this policy is to provide framework for the provision of catering at the City of Port Phillip that delivers best value and is defensible to our community.
Council Buildings CCTV Operational Procedure 2019 - Version 1.3 Aug 2023 (PDF 450 KB)

The Council Building Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Operational Procedure defines the operational requirements and processes that ensure the appropriate management, process and use related to viewing, copying and disseminating CCTV footage.

Community Access and Allocation Policy 2024 (PDF 396 KB)

This Policy has been developed to ensure fair, appropriate and equitable allocation of Council-owned or managed community facilities in their capacity as venues for hire.

Discontinuance and Sale of Roads Policy 2022 (PDF 353 KB)

Discontinuance and Sale of Roads Policy 2022 (DOCX 344 KB)

This policy sets out the conditions and principles under which a road may be discontinued and the land sold.
Enterprise Asset Management Plan 2022-32 (DOCX 5.7 MB)

The Plan details the policies, processes and tools we use to manage and maintain assets. The Plan helps us to achieve our service levels, get value for money and give our assets a long life.

Public Place Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) PolicyThe intent of this policy is to provide direction for Council’s decision making process in relation the proposed installation of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) systems in public places (as defined).  The policy presents guiding principles to govern how Council will approach safety in public places in the determination of whether a public CCTV application is appropriate for approved implementation.
Property Policy (PDF 579 KB)The purpose of this Policy is to provide a sustainable framework for the management of the property portfolio into the future, taking into account changes occurring within the portfolio and the Port Phillip landscape.
Road and Lane Naming Guidelines (DOC 81 KB)The Local Government Act 1989, confers on Council the authority to name or re-name roads or lanes. When naming or re-naming roads or lanes, the Council must also abide by the guidelines set out in the Geographic Place Names Act 1998.
Road Management Plan - August 2022 version (PDF 223 KB)

The Road Management Plan establishes a management system for the road management functions of a road authority. It is based on policy, operational objectives and available resources. It sets relevant standards in relation to the discharge of duties in the performance of those road management functions.

Town Hall Hire Policy (PDF 13 KB)The purpose of the Town Hall Hire Policy is to clarify the priority of access to the St Kilda, South Melbourne and Port Melbourne Town Halls in their capacity as venues for hire and to ensure that all hirers comply with associated legal and council requirements. The intent of this policy is to reinforce the civic and community focus of Council’s town halls and associated meeting rooms.


Councillor Code of Conduct 2024 (PDF 70 KB)

From 26 October 2024, the Local Government Act 2020 requires all Councillors to observe the Model Councillor Code of Conduct (Model Code of Conduct). The Model Code of Conduct is prescribed in Schedule 1 to the Local Government (Governance and Integrity) Regulations 2020.

Councillor Expenses and Support Policy 2024 (PDF 1 MB)The Purpose of this policy is to outline the provision of facilities, resources and reimbursement of reasonable expenses for the Mayor and Councillors.
Councillor Gift and Hospitality Policy 2021 (PDF 338 KB)Councillors are required to act impartially and with integrity and avoid conflicts of interest in the performance of their duties as a Councillor. This policy establishes guidelines to help Councillors comply with the conflict of interest provisions of the Local Government Act 2020 when they are offered gifts or hospitality.
Election Period Policy  (PDF 339 KB)Council staff and Councillors must observe specific legislative and governance requirements during the period leading up to an election.
Governance Rules (PDF 602 KB)Governance Rules under Section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020 governing the conduct of meetings of Council and delegated committees.

Events and activities

Activating Laneways Strategy (PDF 6.1 MB)The objectives of the strategy are to recognise the role and character of the City of Port Phillip laneways and little streets in creating a fine grain public realm. To maintain and enhance existing laneways, facilitate and create opportunities for activation in designated laneways, improve the walkability and permeability of the public realm.
Events Strategy 2023-26 (PDF 169 KB)

The City of Port Phillip aims to plan, attract and direct events to ensure our city is welcoming, healthy, safe and vibrant for all. It is commonly recognised and accepted that events bring a wealth of benefits to a community, from the health and wellbeing of residents through to economic development for local businesses, cultural vibrancy and social engagement.

Outdoor Events Policy 2023-26 (DOC 1.45 MB)The policy applies to all outdoor events, promotions and markets on Council managed public space within the municipality. Including (but not limited to) events that are run by private organisations, businesses, schools, special interest groups or community groups.
St Kilda Festival Sponsorship Policy 2018 (PDF 218 KB)Sets out the principles and approach which guide the City of Port Phillip’s management of sponsorship arrangements with the aim of protecting and promoting the best interests of the Festival, its program, its partners and the City of Port Phillip.

Families, youth and children


Child Safe Policy 2024 (PDF 1.07 MB)

The purpose of this policy outlines the City of Port Phillip’s strong commitment to the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people and provides procedures for continuing to develop and strengthen child safety.

Child Safe Standards Incident or Disclosure Report Form 2018 (DOCX 61 KB)

Council’s Child Safe Standards incident and disclosure reporting forms for responding to and reporting any allegations or suspicions of child sexual abuse. This document should be read in conjunction with the City of Port Phillip’s Child Safe policy.
Children's Services Integrated Registration and Enrolment (CSIRE) for Childcare and Integrated Kindergarten Procedure 2024

This document provides guidance to anyone who wants to register their child for childcare or integrated kindergarten using Council's CSIRE system.

Every Child Our Future - Children's Services Policy 2020 (PDF 597 KB)This policy describes Council’s role in children’s services and what we will do to support the wellbeing and development of children and families in our community. The City of Port Phillip has developed the Children’s Services Policy to guide how we support, deliver and invest in children’s services.

Finance and payments

Investment and Treasury Management Policy (DOCX 296 KB)This policy sets out the principles to be followed by Council officers when investing funds with financial institutions.
Rating Strategy 2022-25 - August 2024 update (PDF 1.2 MB)Council rates are the contribution that ratepayers make towards the community services and community infrastructure that councils deliver. Rates are a form of property tax, with each ratepayer contributing based on the value of the property they own. It is intended that the rates contribution made by each ratepayer represents a fair measure of the benefit received by each property and reflects the capacity of the property owner to pay for a share of Council’s costs.

Funding and relief

Code of Conduct for Contractors, Consultants and Suppliers 2021 (PDF 392 KB)Code of conduct for contractors, consultants and suppliers and to be used for the procurement process.

Community Funding Policy 2018 (PDF 503 KB)

Community Funding Policy 2018 (DOCX 928 KB)

Establishes guiding principles and a framework for the delivery of grants, subsidies, donations and funding agreements to community organisations.

Financial Hardship Policy Rates and Charges April 2024 (PDF 373 KB)

The purpose of this policy is to ensure clear and consistent approach to assessing and providing
support in relation to the payment of rates and associated charges to ratepayers in financial

Procurement Policy 2024 (PDF 470KB)

This policy sets out the key principles, processes and procedures applied to purchases of goods, services and works by Council.

Governance and privacy

Fraud and Corruption Awareness and Prevention Policy (PDF 865 KB)This document outlines Council's commitment and approach to fraud and corruption control.
Health Records Policy (PDF 245 KB)

This document outlines Council's policy relating to the management of personal information that is also health information, as required by the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic) (the HRA) and in accordance with the 11 Health Privacy Principles (HPPs) defined within the HRA.

Information Privacy Policy (PDF 250 KB)This document outlines the Information Privacy Principles and details guidelines and processes as to how Privacy and Data Protection Policy should be implemented in practice in the Council, and how they will apply to the community. 
Payment Card Compliance Policy (DOCX 374 KB)This document details the measures in place for Council to ensure the prevention of loss or disclosure of sensitive customer information, specifically payment card data.
Payment Card Data Handling Guidelines (DOCX 385 KB)The intent of these procedures is to provide guidance to Council departments that are responsible for handling or processing payment card transactions from customers for goods or services provided. These procedures supplement other internal procedures that are in place to minimise the potential for loss of sensitive data belonging to either Council or our customers.
Public Interest Disclosures Procedures of Port Phillip City Council (PDF 453 KB)

Council has established Public Interest Disclosures Procedures to facilitate the making of public interest disclosures, for the handling of those disclosures received and, where appropriate, for the notification of those disclosures to the Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission (IBAC).

Public Transparency Policy (PDF 496 KB)

The purpose of this policy is to outline the type of information we will make publicly available and how, support good governance and accountability, provide greater clarity around Council decision making, and support compliance with section 57 of the Local Government Act 2020 to adopt and maintain a public transparency policy.

Risk Management Framework (PDF 127 KB)The Framework outlines the way which the Council will understand and manage strategic, operational and project risks and opportunities. The Framework's overarching document is the Risk Management Policy.
Risk Management Policy (PDF 224 KB)This policy sets out the key requirements, roles and responsibilities in relation to risk management at the City of Port Phillip. It is designed to embed a positive risk management culture. It is incumbent on Council to understand and manage the strategic, operational, and project risks and opportunities it faces to enable it to make informed decisions and meet its responsibilities, council priorities, and community expectations.


Library Action Plan 2021-26 (PDF 1.3 MB)The Library Action Plan sets the vision for our library services and the key actions to help achieve our goals over the next five years.

Local laws and animals

Community Amenity Local Law 2023 (PDF 1.03 MB)The purpose of this Local Law is to provide for the peace, order and good governance of the City of Port Phillip in a way that is complementary to Council’s Council Plan.

Dog Off-Leash Guidelines

Outlines Council’s position on the provision, distribution, design and management of dog off-leash areas across the municipality.
Domestic Animal Management Plan 2022-25 (PDF 569 KB)The Domestic Animal Management Plan outlines how Council balances promotion of responsible pet ownership, the welfare of dogs and cats in the community, and the protection of the community and the environment from nuisance dogs and cats. It also outlines how Council will enforce all legislative requirements and compliance with our local laws.
Footpath Trading Fee Policy 2023-24 Extended to May 2025 (PDF 216 KB)

Outlines the trading fee policy and fee structure for each precinct from 1 July 2023 to May 2025.

Footpath Trading Guidelines (PDF 4.1 MB)

Footpath trading involves the use of our public footpaths for commercial purposes. The footpath is the area between the property boundary and the kerb of a road that is provided for use by pedestrians. Footpath trading permits are required for all footpath use.

The Footpath Trading Guidelines have been in place since 2010, with updates adopted in 2013 and 2017.

These Guidelines were designed to balance the many competing uses of our footpaths, including pedestrian accessibility and safety, footpath dining, business trading and achieve a prosperous local economy.

The Guidelines provide specific standards for pedestrian zone widths, curb zone widths, outdoor furniture, heaters, awnings and footpath signage, and aims to achieve the intent of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).

Procedures and Protocols Manual 2023 (PDF 1.2 MB)Protocols and procedures and conditions that are applicable under the City of Port Phillip Community Amenity Local Law.

Open space, recreation and community resilience


Elster Creek Flood Management Plan

This Flood Management Plan (the Plan) is a continuation of the Elster Creek Action Plan 2018 and looks to establish a long-term coordinated approach to flooding in the Elster Creek Catchment.

Elwood Foreshore and Recreation Reserve Management Plan (PDF 4.9 MB)

This document sets out broad recommendations for the whole foreshore reserves area.
Fair Access in Sport Policy

This policy aims to deliver gender equitable outcomes and support an increase of participation of women and girls in sport and recreation by guiding Council management of sports facilities, clubs and the development or review of projects and supporting and educating sports clubs to consider the diversity amongst women and girls in their club and create safe, welcoming and inclusive environments.

Fitness Training Policy (PDF 758 KB)

This policy provides a framework for the City of Port Phillip to manage recreation activities facilitated by fitness and wellness providers across the municipality and supports a range of recreation opportunities that reflect the cities diverse community.

Foreshore and Hinterland Vegetation Management Plan 2015 (PDF 15.7 MB)

Plans to maintain and upgrade the foreshore including vegetation projects and maritime infrastructure renewals.

Foreshore Management Plan 2012 (PDF 6.1 MB)

Foreshore Management Plan Summary - 2024 updated action status (PDF 3 MB)

The purpose of the Port Phillip Foreshore Management Plan (FMP) is to provide guidance for the future use, development and management of the Port Phillip foreshore.

Summary of the high value Foreshore Management Plan actions and status as of 2024.

Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMP)

The Plan contains information on how to prevent, respond to and recover from, emergencies within the municipality. The plan responds to the economic and social effects of emergencies including loss of life, destruction of property and dislocation of individuals and communities.

Nature Strip Guidelines 2022 (PDF 1.22 MB)

Nature strip guidelines are the City of Port Phillip stipulations to support residents in greening the local area and keeping within a checklist of guidelines.

Open Space Water Management Plan (PDF 2.9 MB)

This report provides guidance on alternative water source options which may be suitable for parks and open space within the municipality, including rainwater harvesting, stormwater harvesting, groundwater extraction and sewer mining.

Outdoor Commercial Recreation Policy (PDF 340 KB)

This policy provides a framework through which the City of Port Phillip can manage the provision of a range of high quality outdoor commercial recreation providers across the municipality.

Playspace Strategy (PDF 3.5 MB)

The Playspace Strategy sets the vision, policy context and framework for the future development of play spaces in the City of Port Phillip and prioritises future play space works.

St Kilda Botanical Gardens Directions Plan 2009 (PDF 6.7 MB)

The basis of the Botanic Gardens is the plant collection. The four roles of the botanic garden are scientific, conservation, education and recreation, which depend on the plant collections, other than the recreation component.

Sport and Recreation Strategy 2015-24 (PDF 2.9 MB)

Council strategy in facilitating sport and recreation opportunities within Port Phillip over the next ten years, through engaging and supporting our local community.

Urban Forest Strategy 2024 To 2040 (PDF 6.5 MB)The Urban Forest Strategy 2024 to 2040 outlines how we will plan, protect, and grow our urban forest in the City of Port Phillip.

Our community


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Statement of Commitment (PDF 95 KB)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Statement of Commitment (DOCX 13 KB)

Council's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Statement of Commitment.

Accessibility Action Plan 2023 to 2025

Accessibility Action Plan 2023 to 2025 (DOCX 1MB)

Accessibility Action Plan 2023 to 2025 easy English (PDF 4.3MB)

Council's Access and Inclusion Plan outlines our commitment to accessibility and disability inclusion.


Community Engagement Policy December 2020 (PDF 1 MB)

Community Engagement Policy December 2020 (DOCX 1 MB)

This policy acts as a guide to community members to know what to expect in our planning for community engagement and what role they can play in our decision-making.

Community Safety Plan Version 1.1 (August 2023)

The Community Safety Plan sets out the City of Port Phillip’s contribution to making our community a safe and resilient place to live, work and visit.

In Our Backyard - Growing Affordable Housing in Port Phillip 2015-25 (PDF 1.8 MB)Council strategic framework to guide initiatives that aim to increase the supply of socially affordable housing through direct investment, project facilitation, partnerships with social housing organisations and the Victorian Planning System.

LGBTIQA+ Action Plan 2023-26

The purpose of the LGBTIQA+ Action Plan is to set out desired outcomes, based on
the needs and aspirations of LGBTIQA+ people in our municipality, and guide Council
in its role of embedding LGBTIQA+ inclusion across Council activities to achieve these
Positive Ageing Policy 2023-27This policy describes Council’s role and commitment to creating an age-friendly city. Council has developed this policy to guide how Council will facilitate, partner, advocate and deliver services and programs that promote ageing well in our community

Protocol For Assisting People Who Sleep Rough 2018 (PDF 99 KB)

The Protocol applies to public places such as parks, open spaces and community facilities, which are accessible to the public and which are Council owned, controlled or managed.
Statement of Commitment to our
Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ) Community
Council made a Statement of Commitment in support and recognition of the contribution of the LGBTIQA+ community to economic, cultural and social development in the area. It also supports community and cultural development of LGBTIQA+ people in the City of Port Phillip and upholds their right to full access to all the services the City has to offer.

Planning and building


Port Phillip Heritage Review

An incorporated document to the Port Phillip Planning Scheme that supports heritage decisions.

Port Phillip Planning Scheme

Guides decision making on all planning permit and related matters.

This is supported by the planning scheme incorporated and background documents.

Site Contamination Management Policy (PDF 1075 KB)

Sets out the City of Port Phillip’s compliance requirements to effectively and proactively identify contaminated land and
manage the risks associated with the contaminated land over which it has management or control.

South Melbourne Market

South Melbourne Market Licence Renewal Policy (DOCX 327 KB)Policy for renewal licence at South Melbourne Market.
South Melbourne Market Sale of Liquor for Consumption 2007 (PDF 164 KB)This policy is designed to (a) To allow the South Melbourne Market Management Committee to consider applications by stallholders to sell liquor for consumption from their leased or licensed area at the South Melbourne Market, and (b) To outline the approval process and to detail explicit decision guidelines.
South Melbourne Market Strategic Plan 2021-25 (PDF 1.3 MB)The strategy outlines the effective governance for the South Melbourne Market through commitment charter and vision.



Act and Adapt, Sustainable Environment Strategy 2018-28 (PDF 2.8 MB)

This Strategy outlines the City of Port Phillip’s commitment to environmental sustainability for the organisation and the wider community. It establishes a pathway that will assist to transition the City to a greener, cooler more liveable City where we are all reducing our impact on the environment and are more resilient to the impacts of climate change.
Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) Strategy 2024 (PDF MB)The purpose of this document is to provide clear direction for Council’s approach to improving ESD outcomes, and to support strategic objectives relating to built form. It provides a central point of reference for matters relating to ESD in buildings within the municipality, consolidating and expanding upon existing commitments and resources.

Greening Port Phillip Street Tree Planting Guide 2017-22 (PDF 8.4 MB)

The Greening Port Phillip Strategy provides the strategic framework and policy context for the development and management of trees in the City of Port Phillip.

Transport and parking


Car Share Policy 2023-28 (PDF 370 KB)

This policy provides strategic direction for the management of car share in public on-street and Council managed off-street parking spaces in the City of Port Phillip and support for car share in new developments.

This policy will be implemented through Council's Car Share Guidelines, which should be read in conjunction with this policy.

Car Share Guidelines 2023-28 (PDF 434 KB)

These guidelines provide a framework for implementing Council's Car Share Policy, outlining the responsibilities of car share providers and Council, and the processes for expansion and management of the service.

Move Connect Live - Integrated Transport Strategy 2018-28 (PDF 6.2 MB)

This strategy aims to increase the range of healthy, safe, connected and convenient walking and bike riding choices by delivering changes to our city’s transport network, streets and places to cater for our growing community.

Find out more about the Move, Connect Live Strategy.

Parking Management Policy 2020 - updated Aug 2024 (PDF 701 KB)

The Parking Management Policy provides a framework for the ongoing management of Council's 53,000 on-street and 4,000 off-street spaces used for parking and storage of motor vehicles. It seeks to address the City's growth and transport challenges, and provide fairer, more reliable access to parking. 

Find out more about the Parking Management Policy.

Waste, recycling and cleaning


Don't Waste It! Waste Management Strategy 2022-25 (PDF 2 MB)

The strategy is to reduce waste going to landfill through kerbside and public place recycling, hard waste and green waste collection, operating the Resource Recovery Centre and waste education; provide additional waste management services through kerbside refuse services and removal of waste from street litter bins.

Graffiti Management Plan 2019-24 (PDF 0.7 MB)

Graffiti Management Plan 2019-24 (DOCX 3.9 MB)

The Graffiti Management Plan for the City of Port Phillip has an annual graffiti removal budget. The graffiti removal is carried out via contractors with specialist mobile services.
Public Toilet Plan 2023-2033 (PDF 581 KB)Provides guidance and practical assistance for planning and decision making in the development, maintenance and operations for the public toilet network across the City of Port Phillip.