
Discover who lives in Port Phillip, our economic profile and forecast changes in the future.
On this page

We have a diverse resident community with an estimated of 103,836 people (ABS, ERP, 2022).

Almost half (48.1 per cent) our residents are between 25 and 49 years of age. A high proportion rent their home (48.8 per cent) and one third were born overseas (33.1 per cent).

You can find who lives in our city at our community profile and social atlas. These present data from Australian Bureau of Statistics Census of Population and Housing in simple, clear tables and charts or interactive maps with concise, factual commentary.

They provide valuable information to inform Council, local community groups, businesses, investors, students and the public about population trends and demographics in Port Phillip. Data is available for the city as a whole and for each of our suburbs and neighbourhoods.

Along with our demographics, our environment is always changing. Find out more about our how the environmental context in which our community lives impacts how we plan for and deliver services.

You can find the types of jobs, businesses and industries in Port Phillip at our economic profile.

You can find how our resident population and household are likely to change over time at our population and household forecasts

We monitor health and wellbeing outcomes across a range of topics.  You can find out more by reading our health profiles.