Weekly residential street cleaning schedule

Our streets are cleaned based on a regular, scheduled program by our Street and Beach Services team.

View our current Residential Cleaning Schedule 11 Mar to 14 Mar 2025 (PDF 1.65 MB)

Council collects all dumped rubbish reported to us. We run a proactive service in hot-spot areas to manage the impacts of illegally dumped rubbish. Waste Management and Local Laws officers work together to investigate offences and deliver targeted education to prevent them from occurring.

We remove around 50 to 60 tonnes of dumped waste from our streets each month, including an average of 360 mattresses, and recycle about 70 per cent of all material collected. The Waste Management team actions over 5,900 reports of dumped rubbish every year, ranging from discarded furniture to mattresses and fridges, and collect around 50 tonnes of illegally dumped waste every month.

Dumping of rubbish is illegal in the city of Port Phillip and can result in on-spot fines of $660 or up to $9,900.

Report dumped rubbish on My Port Phillip or with Snap Send Solve.

Council offers a free hard rubbish collection service to residents. To avoid penalties, make sure to book a collection before putting out any hard rubbish.

Help us identify an offender

Collecting dumped rubbish is a significant cost to Council. When the person who dumped the rubbish is identified, we can try to recover the cost. Council wants your assistance to identify people. With your support, we can find those responsible, reduce costs and improve our streets.

If you have any information that may help us identify illegal dumpers, we’d like to hear from you on 03 9209 6777.


Litter damages the environment and hurts our wildlife. Littering is also an offence which can attract possible fines from $300 to over $9,000.

You can report litterers by completing an Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) litter report form. You can access the form:

Hazardous waste (syringes and condoms)


Visit syringes for detailed information about:

  • syringe collection and disposal
  • what to do if you find discarded syringes
  • needlestick injuries
  • council awareness program

Condoms (discarded)

If you find a used condom on our streets or beaches please request a clean-up on My Port Phillip.

Abandoned shopping trolleys

Council doesn't collect abandoned trolleys, but you can report them for collection to the relevant owners.

Coles trolley collections
Phone: 1800 876 553
Email: customer.relations@coles.com.au
Report online: Coles Abandoned Trolley service.

ALDI trolley collections
Phone: 13 25 34

Other retailers (such as Woolworths, Big W, Dan Murphy’s)
Phone: 1800 641 497
Email: info@trolleytracker.com.au
Report online: Trolley Tracker

Leaf season

Leaf Season is the busy time of year when they must clean leaf fall from roughly 32,500 trees along 530 streets in our City.

Although weather conditions can cause leaf fall as early as February, leaf season typically occurs within a seven to nine-week window from late April to mid-July.

Heavy leaf fall is seasonal and temporary. Our program aims to provide a better result for residents living on streets and roads affected by full canopy coverage. All attempts will continue to be made to remove leaf debris across all precincts as quickly as possible.