What is advocacy

Advocacy is the process of working with key decision makers to drive change to benefit the community. It is an important tool used by Council to raise awareness.

Successful advocacy relies on establishing strong partnerships and relationships. These, coupled with political rationale, provide a compelling case to support advocacy priorities.

Why we advocate

We are so lucky to live in this incredible community. From St Kilda to Elwood, Balaclava to Fishermans Bend, there is so much on offer in our municipality, for residents, traders and visitors alike. Yet there remains much we can do to continue to grow, develop and improve our area.

City of Port Phillip actively advocates to both the Victorian and Australian Governments for projects, funding, services and infrastructure that will enhance the wellbeing of our residents and businesses. Often, this includes items that may be beyond the scope of what local government can deliver.

How we advocate

City of Port Phillip advocates on an array of items and in different ways. Some of the ways we advocate include:

  • Council representatives writing to, and meeting with, government ministers and Members of Parliament
  • Collaborating with other councils and peak bodies such as an association of industries or groups with shared interests
  • Public campaigns which involve media, community, groups and residents
  • Submissions to Victorian and Australian Government consultations, Parliamentary inquiries, and policy feedback mechanisms
  • Budget submissions to the Victorian and Australian Governments

Advocacy Strategy 2024-28

Advocacy at City of Port Phillip is guided by an endorsed Strategy and Framework. This ensures a structured approach. Click the button below to take a look.

Working in partnership

Effective advocacy often involves working in partnership to achieve the best outcomes for the community.

The City of Port Phillip collaborates with other councils, peak bodies, and regional organisations on matters of regional or state interest to achieve this. The Council Plan highlights working with partners to develop, implement, and evaluate projects, programs, and policies that enhance the health and wellbeing of our people and places, while also providing knowledge sharing, advocacy, policy development, and support.

Strategic memberships

Reviewing memberships

To ensure Council is fully leveraging the opportunities provided by paid memberships, Council officers conduct a comprehensive review every two years. This review aims to maximise the benefits and strengthen the relationships that come with these memberships.