Community Satisfaction Survey
The City of Port Phillip undertakes the Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey on an annual basis. During this period, households may be contacted by an independent market research agency, Metropolis Research, who have been commissioned to conduct the survey on behalf of council.
Similar surveys are undertaken across all Victorian councils. The survey has been designed to assess the performance of the City of Port Phillip across a range of measures and to assist in identifying ways to provide improvement or more effective service delivery to residents.
The survey involves 900 interviews, conducted among a representative sample of residents. The personal details and individual responses of those undertaking the survey are confidential and only the overall results are shared with the City of Port Phillip.
Should residents have any questions regarding the survey, please contact us.
Community Satisfaction Survey results
We are committed to providing consistent excellent service that meets community need.
To help us understand if we are meeting community expectations, Council undertakes regular surveying in the community. These results are used in our performance reports.
The Department of Government Services facilitates the survey on behalf of participating Councils. These results are used in planning and to help monitor our performance.
Our most recent results can be found in the Community Satisfaction Survey - 2024
This survey is conducted by an independent market research agency.