Rooming houses
Rooming houses can provide housing for single people who may find it difficult to access other private rental housing or who prefer the social interaction offered by a rooming house environment.
Rooming houses in the City of Port Phillip can be either privately owned and managed, or publicly owned community housing managed by a Registered Housing Association or Housing Provider. Some have self-contained studio accommodation whilst others offer a room with shared bathrooms and kitchens.
Who regulates rooming houses?
All rooming houses with four or more people must be registered with Council. You should check that a rooming house is registered before you sign an agreement or move in. To check if a rooming house is registered, visit Consumer Victoria.
The Business Licensing Authority is responsible for licensing private rooming house owners and operators who are 'fit and proper persons'. To check if a rooming house operator is licensed visit Rooming House Operators Public Register.
Renters and rental providers rights and responsibilities are set out in Victorian residential tenancies legislation.
If you are concerned about a rooming house or rooming house operator, or wish to report an unregistered rooming house, contact Council’s Health Services Unit.
Send a request on My Port Phillip
Phone: 03 9209 6292