Private rental

Council's position on private rentals and information about services available to help.

The City of Port Phillip acknowledges that there is national housing crisis that significantly impacts on people on the full spectrum of housing, but particularly on people attempting to access the private rental market. 44% of residents in the City of Port Phillip are currently renting and the purpose of this page is to detail what supports local residents may be able to access, as well as details on how council is responding to the housing crisis.

What can Council do?


We acknowledge we have an ongoing role to play to advocate to State and Federal Government to address the housing crisis. Please see our latest submission to federal government detailing what council believes can be done at higher levels of government City of Port Phillip National Housing and Homelessness Plan - Issues Paper.

Housing and Homelessness Service

Council funds a Housing Worker that can offer direct service provision for older persons (aged over 50 years/ aged over 45 years for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people) to access public housing if they’re eligible.

The housing worker can also answer general enquiries and provide general housing information. More information is available at our webpage Sponsorship housing - City of Port Phillip 

Other local services that may be able to assist

Practical Support

Launch Housing have the Private Rental Assistance Support Program that may be able to support you with monetary relief and general practical support

Legal Support

Southside Justice may be able to offer free legal advice should you have a question regarding your tenancy. Please see their website

Housing Advice

Consumer Affairs Australia and Tenants Victoria may be able to provide information on your rights and responsibilities, Home - Tenants Victoria

Social housing

You may be eligible for Social Housing. For more information, please visit Affordable housing - City of Port Phillip

If you are in need of crisis housing support, please contact Launch Housing

Please also see Housing Victoria's website regarding social housing Home |