Get your documents ready

Get all the right documents before you submit an application for a planning permit. Use our checklist to make sure that you have everything you need.

Preparing your application

You need to provide different information for different types of permit applications.

All applications should include:

  • A completed Planning permit application form.
  • A full copy of the Certificate of Title that is less than 3 months old.
  • Plans and drawings.

You may also need to include:

  • A copy of the metropolitan planning levy certificate - this levy only applies to permit applications that have development costs over a certain amount.

Plans and drawings

Plans submitted for a planning permit application will usually include:

  • neighbourhood and site description (see below)
  • floor plans
  • elevations
  • site layout
  • shadow diagrams
  • landscaping (if this applies).

Draw all plans to scale (1:100 or 1:200) and include the following information:

  • north point
  • boundaries and dimensions of site
  • plan name and revision reference
  • location and dimensions of all existing and proposed buildings
  • proposed or existing materials, colours and finishes.

Neighbourhood and site description

A neighbourhood and site description shows or describes the pattern of development in the area and features of the site as it currently is. For example, it will show existing buildings and trees on site. It also includes details of nearby properties.

A neighbourhood and site description allows Council to assess potential impacts. It is usually done by a draftsperson, architect or town planning consultant.

Change of use permit

If you want to change how you use the land or building, you may need a change of use permit. Examples include changing a shop to a restaurant or a house to a bed and breakfast.

You need to have a written submission explaining:

  • how you want to use the land
  • the types of activities that will be carried out
  • the days and hours of operation
  • most number of customers at one time
  • most number of staff at one time
  • how many car parking spaces if there are any
  • how your proposal could impact the neighbours (such as noise, light spill, traffic, when and how often goods and materials will be delivered)
  • how you will manage land not required for use
  • whether you need a works approval or waste discharge licence from the Environmental Protection Authority
  • if you’re running a major hazard facility, you’ll need an Occupational Health and Safety (Major Hazard Facilities) Regulations 2000 notification. You also need a licence under the Dangerous Goods Act 1995, or a fire protection quantity under the Dangerous Goods (Storage and Handling) Regulations 2000.

Parking management

Council will do a parking assessment when reviewing your planning application.

There are times when you are not allowed to get resident or visitor parking permits. This includes:

  • when adding more dwellings onto the lot for new residential developments
  • when there is insufficient parking for a subdivision of an existing building.

Contact Us

Our Planning team is here to help.

Send us a message on My Port Phillip.

Phone: 03 9209 6424


In-person: visit the Planning and Building Counter at St Kilda Town Hall during opening hours (8.30 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday)