Electric vehicle chargers

Electric vehicles (EVs) are growing in popularity in Port Phillip. Council is supporting the uptake of EVs by facilitating the installation of public and private charging stations.

Public charging stations

There are two types of public charging stations Council is working on. The first type are EV chargers that are mounted onto electricity poles. The second type are fast chargers located in Council car parks.

Electricity pole mounted chargers

On-street chargers located on electricity poles are being explored as an option for our City. There has been community feedback on potential locations of chargers, see - 'Have your say' feedback results.

Currently, the shortlisted locations are being assessed for sufficient electrical capacity by the two charging providers. After this, Council will undertake a second round of community engagement to obtain feedback on the finalised locations.

Fast public electric vehicle chargers

Council is working with an electric vehicle charging supplier to install public 'fast' charging stations at a Council car park. We are currently working with the electric vehicle charging supplier to finalise power supply requirements at this location.

Council is also exploring other off street car park locations suitable for fast electric vehicle chargers.  As part of this process, we are working through challenges such as flood risks, redevelopments and power availability.

Private kerbside electric vehicle chargers

Council piloted the use of private kerbside electric vehicle chargers for residents who do not have off-street car parking.

The private EV charger model will now continue for another 4 years or until 100 chargers have been installed, whichever comes first, after which the model will be reviewed. Here are the minutes from the June 2024 Council meeting where this decision was made.   

We encourage technology providers who are able to provide private EV charging solutions for residents without off-street parking to get in touch with us at enviro@portphillip.vic.gov.au

Contact us 

If you are considering applying for a private EV charger permit or would like further information about electric vehicle charging stations in Port Phillip, please send us a message on My Port Phillip or call 03 9209 6777

Kerbside chargers - frequently asked questions

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