Amend or extend an approved planning permit

If you need to make changes to your approved planning permit, you can request an amendment or extension.

When can I request an amendment or extension?

You can request an amendment if you need to make changes to a planning permit.

You can request to:

  • amend a permit that has already been approved
  • extend the start and end dates of the permit.

What can be changed?

After Council approves your planning permit, you can make changes to the:

  • endorsed plans (the approved plans)
  • conditions on the planning permit
  • permit preamble (the description of what the permit allows)

The type of amendment depends on the changes you want to make. These changes can be minor changes or major changes.

How to submit an amendment to a planning permit

To submit your permit application online:

  1. Register or log in to My Port Phillip
  2. Select ‘Apply for a permit’
  3. Find 'Planning' and click ‘Start’
  4. Choose the amendment type
  5. Enter your address and all development details
  6. Review and ‘Lodge’ the application
  7. Accept the Terms and Conditions
  8. Attach all supporting documents
  9. Pay the permit fee. A card fee applies.

Alternatively, you can submit the:

Include all required documents via email, post or in person. The fee (if applicable) must be paid before the application can be considered.

Extension of time

When you are issued a planning permit, it will have a date showing when you need to start the use or development. Permits that are for development only will also have a date the development must be completed by.

You can apply to extend the commencement and/or completion date:

  • before the planning permit expires
  • within six months after the expiry date
  • within 12 months after the permit expires if the development has lawfully started

Your request for an extension of time will not be approved if it is made outside of the above timeframes. You will need to lodge a new application and pay all the fees.

If we don’t approve your request and it was made within the relevant timeframe, you can apply to review the decision with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).

Apply for Extension of time

To submit your application online:

  1. Register or log in to My Port Phillip
  2. Select 'Apply for a permit'
  3. Find 'Planning' and click 'Start'
  4. Choose 'Extension of time to a current planning permit'
  5. Enter your address and all development details
  6. Review and 'Lodge' the application
  7. Accept the Terms and Conditions
  8. Attach all supporting documents
  9. Pay the permit fee. A card fee applies.

Contact Us

Our Planning team is here to help.

Send us a message on My Port Phillip.

Phone: 03 9209 6424


In-person: visit the Planning and Building Counter at St Kilda Town Hall during opening hours (8.30 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday)