Community gardens

Community gardens provide an opportunity for residents to grow food, connect with nature, learn about plants and enjoy social connection with others.

There are many types of community gardens across City of Port Phillip including:

  • Managed community gardens
  • Communal garden beds in parks and reserves
  • Community spaces where residents can engage in gardening.

Managed community gardens

Managed community gardens typically:

  • are managed by a not-for-profit incorporated community group
  • offer individual plots and require paid annual membership
  • are fenced and include water tanks, composting facilities, and communal areas
  • may have waiting lists but also offer activities for those waiting to join
  • are located on Council-owned or managed land.

Each community garden is run individually and has different membership information so please contact each garden directly for further information about how to get involved.

Communal garden beds in parks and reserves

Raised garden beds have been installed for communal use at some parks and reserves.

These types of community gardens typically:

  • are unfenced and no membership is required
  • are available for public use and for sharing of produce
  • have community groups involved with maintenance of the plots
  • are part of a mixed-use reserve where you may also find play spaces and seating areas

For more information, please click on the links below.

Gardens on lands managed by other authorities

Other ways to get gardening in Port Phillip

Starting a community garden

Groups wanting to start a new community garden on land owned or managed by Council can refer to the assessment guidelines for licensed community gardens. These guidelines outline the application process and the important factors to consider, including planning, responsibilities, governance and long-term management. Refer to the associated application form and checklist.

Help and support

Soil contamination

Soil contamination is common across inner-Melbourne due to historical industrial land uses and historical landfill practices. In most circumstances, gardeners address soil contamination through raised beds, providing a physical barrier between the bed and ground, and by using clean purchased soil.

Contact us

For more information contact or phone ASSIST on 03 9209 6777.