Governance and integrity

City of Port Phillip takes its responsibility to residents seriously and is committed to providing good governance, and transparent and open consultation at all times.

Code of conduct and councillor governance

Find the Councillor code of conduct, gifts and hospitality declarations and conflicts of interest.
Visit the webpage


Listening to your feedback is an important part of Council’s commitment to continuous service improvement.
Visit the webpage

Customer Charter

Our promise to be genuine in understanding your needs, to be accessible, responsive and easier to deal with
Visit the webpage


To effectively and efficiently carry out its business, Council delegates some powers, duties and functions to Council officers.
Visit the webpage

Documents for public viewing

In line with requirements of the Local Government Act 2020 we collect and make public information some councillor and council administration activities and responsibilities.
Visit the webpage

Fraud and Corruption

This policy empowers all of us at City of Port Phillip to prevent, detect and respond to fraud and corruption.
View the policy

Freedom of Information

Under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act, you can request access to certain documents from Council.
Visit the webpage

Public Interest Disclosures

Information about how to make a disclosure, protections under the Act, and how a disclosure may be managed and handled by the Council.
Visit the webpage

Delegated and Advisory Committees

Our committees play an important role in governance and engaging the community in Council decision-making.
View the webpage