Creative industries
Our City has a strong cultural heritage that brings colour and meaning to our lives, shaping how our community sees itself, with art, creativity and innovation part of the DNA of Port Phillip and reflected in the diversity of our Creative Industries.

Gender Equality Game Jam, 2019, Girl Geek Academy
Port Phillip's $2.3 billion cultural and creative sector is our second largest industry. From film to theatre, games to software, music to media, advertising to architecture, it's driving economic growth and supporting jobs for 3,870 Port Phillip residents and 5,830 greater Melbourne residents. With a mix of strategy, policy, research, and targeted support, we ensure that Port Phillip's creative practitioners can take their ideas to the world stage.

St Kilda Festival 2022, Photo by J Forsyth.
We have a strategy
Discover the Creative and Prosperous City Strategy.

Digital interface for Creative Port Phillip Map, 2019
Explore our unique creative landscape
Port Phillip has a diverse and vibrant creative landscape.