To participate at a Council meeting please complete the 'Request to Speak form' at the bottom of this webpage.


Please register to speak by 4pm on the day of the meeting. If you are unable to register online, manual registration forms will be available upon entry to the Town Hall for in person submissions.

Attending in person

Council meetings are held at the St Kilda Town Hall, 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda. Doors open at 6:00pm for the meeting to commence at 6:30pm. (entry via the portico entrance to the Town Hall). 

Participating Virtually

Registrations to speak virtually close at 4pm on the day of the meeting. Any virtual registrations received after this time will not be accepted. Virtual meeting access will be hosted via Microsoft Teams and can be joined via internet connection on any device or dialled into via phone.  You will be required to download the Teams app if you are joining the meeting on a smartphone. 
(For privacy reasons, only audio will be heard, the video will not be displayed at any time during the meeting). 

Watching Council Meetings from home

Council meetings continue to be live-streamed to allow our community to watch the meeting online. Members of the public can access the live-stream via our live stream website or Facebook page

Please note, each speaker can speak for three minutes, the chair reserves the right to limit the speaking time to two minutes for a particular item if there are five or more speakers, please bear this in mind when preparing your submission.

Meeting protocols

Request to speak form

Contact us

Our Governance team is here to help. Contact us if you have a problem when using our request to speak form.

Send us a message on My Port Phillip
Phone: 03 9209 6777