Routine maintenance - trees and parks

Find our timetable for scheduled routine maintenance of our parks and gardens.

Here at the City of Port Phillip, we want to keep our neighbourhoods safe and beautiful for everyone. From checking trees to maintaining parks, we've got it all covered. Our team takes care of tree inspections, pruning, park maintenance, sports fields, mowing, playground safety, and weed control. All of these works are conducted in line with our Urban Forest Strategy. So, whether you're enjoying the outdoors or playing in the park, we're working hard to make sure everything's in tip-top shape.

Check out the table below for a list of scheduled works. Let's keep our community thriving together.

Schedules may vary due to weather if conditions prohibit safe operation. During times of rapid grass growth, e.g. Spring or high rainfall, we may direct extra resources to these activities, or complete weekend mowing. During times of slower grass growth, resources may be redirected elsewhere. 

Tree Works

City of Port Phillip conducts routine tree inspections across the municipality.

Maintenance typeLocationFrequency
Tree InspectionsAll Council treesAnnually
Tree pruning as neededFor trees under High Voltage powerlines
Electrical Line Clearance tree pruning map (updated Febraury 2025)
Tree pruning as neededAll other trees - streets & parksEvery 2 years


Parks & Gardens

Maintenance typeLocationFrequency
Parks and Gardens MaintenanceMajor Parks - St Kilda Botanical Gardens & St Vincent GardensGardeners on site daily
Parks and Gardens MaintenanceMajor Parks - Garden City Reserve & Alma ParkGardeners on-site every second day
Parks and Gardens MaintenanceMinor Parks & traffic treatmentsFortnightly



City of Port Phillip is contracted by VicRoads to maintain main arterial roads within the municipality. 

Maintenance typeLocationFrequency
MowingArterial (VicRoads) roads centre mediansMonthly
MowingAll parks & Council maintained nature stripsFortnightly
MowingSports fieldsWeekly



Council conducts inspections at all council managed public space playgrounds.

Maintenance typeLocationFrequency
Playground inspectionAll Council managed public space playgroundsWeekly inspections
Playground inspectionsAll Council managed public space playgroundsMonthly safety audits


Roadside and laneway spraying program

Keeping our community green and clean with our Weed Control Program, we spray all the gutters, curbs, and paths to take care of those pesky weeds.  You can see where we have sprayed and where we're scheduled to spray in this map (last updated 24 February 2024). Recent weather conditions have caused us to run behind our weed spraying schedule. We appreciate your patience while we catch up. 

If you notice any spots we missed or things blocking our way, just let us know through the easy My Port Phillip customer portal or the Snap Send Solve app. Let's team up to make our city weed-free and safe.

Contact us

Our Parks and Trees team is here to help.

Send us a message on My Port Phillip

Phone: 03 9209 6777