Parenting group to understand child behaviour
Come and join other parents of children up to 8 years to learn more about parenting and your child's development and behaviour.
I want to learn more about
We offer a 9-week parenting group program to help parents better connect and understand their child. This program uses the Solihull approach and explores issues like:
- having fun together
- developmental needs
- behaviour difficulties
- communication
- parenting styles
- sleep.

What are the program details?
Date: every Tuesday from 6 May and finishing on 1 June 2025 (9 week program)
Time: 10 to 11:30am
Location: in person, Level 2, Bubup Nairm Children's Centre, 99B Carlisle St, St Kilda VIC 3182
Am I eligible to join?
Anyone can join the group, as long as they work, live, study or play in the City of Port Phillip area, and have a child under the age of 8 years old.
More information
Contact us
Our Family Services team is here to help.
Send us a message on My Port Phillip.
Phone: 0434 685 032 or 03 9209 6777