Multicultural Advisory Committee

Members of the City of Port Phillip's Multicultural Advisory Committee as of September 2023. Left to right: Keir (member until November 2023), Helene (Deputy Chair), Alex, Tanvi (member until November 2023), Vasileios, James (Chair), Tina. Not pictured: Councillor Buckingham, Alba, Ali and Joshua.
The Multicultural Advisory Committee is the peak advisory and advocacy body on issues affecting multicultural, refugee or asylum seeker communities within the Port Phillip municipality.
It is also active bringing matters of concern within the community to the attention of the Council.
This includes:
- To be the peak advisory and advocacy body to Council on issues affecting multicultural communities including refugee and asylum seekers within the Port Phillip municipality
- Providing advice to Council on its policies, plans and services that impact our multicultural communities.
- Supporting the value of Council’s membership to The Welcoming Cities Standard - the national standard for cultural diversity and inclusion policy and practice in local government to create communities where everyone can belong.
- Liaising with other organisations and networks that have a direct interest of multicultural communities including refugees or asylum seekers in City of Port Phillip.
- Considering and providing advice to Council on key government initiatives, issues, programs and reviews.
- Considering and making recommendations around funding and other opportunities as they may arise.
- Assisting Council to promote the benefits of cultural diversity, social cohesion and inclusion of all residents within City of Port Phillip and beyond.
- Providing advice to Council with its communication, engagement and consultation with multicultural communities.
- Celebrating and raise awareness of the achievements and needs of multicultural communities.
- Facilitating and encouraging opportunities for multicultural communities and community groups to work together on joint projects and initiatives.
The term of the current Committee is until 2024. To view the Committee’s Terms of Reference, go to Special and Advisory Committees.
To read the MAC’s 2021 Annual Report go to Multicultural Advisory Committee 2021 Annual Report.
To read the MAC's 2022 Annual Report go to Multicultural Advisory Committee 2022 Annual Report.
To read the MAC's 2023 Annual Report go to Multicultural Advisory Committee 2023 Annual Report
We want to hear from you
Members have been selected so that the MAC encompasses a wide range of backgrounds, experiences and views.
The Committee welcomes feedback from the community and anyone with concerns or suggestions is encouraged to contact the Diversity Officer. We are concerned to improve the lives of this city's multicultural population.
Let us know by contacting the Diversity Officer at
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General Acknowledgement of Country translated into Victoria's forty most common languages