Places for People: Public Space Strategy
The Places for People: Public Space Strategy 2022-32 sets the vision and blueprint for the future of our public spaces in the City of Port Phillip.
It is one of Council's core strategies and delivers on the Liveable Strategic Direction of the Council Plan 2021-31.
The Strategy outlines the challenges, outcomes and actions required to realise the full potential of our already enviable public space network of parks, gardens, streets, the foreshore, and urban spaces. The strategy comprises three volumes and includes an Action Plan to guide Council’s investment in
public spaces across the City of Port Phillip over the next 10 years.
Volume 1 Strategy on a page (PDF 622 KB)
Volume 2 Municipal-wide directions (PDF 6.4 MB)
Volume 3 Neighbourhood actions (PDF 10.1 MB)
Adoption of the Strategy
We thank everyone who contributed during the various stages of consultation on the strategy.
The strategy was adopted by Council at its Ordinary Council Meeting on 8 December 2021. Council also publicly released the Public Space Strategy Technical Report and a report summarising the outcomes of the public consultation process held in September 2020.
Supporting documents
The Public Space Strategy Technical Report (PDF 22.5 MB) and the Public Space Strategy summary of engagement report (PDF 1.2 MB) have informed the preparation of the Places for People: Public Space Strategy 2022-32.