Friends of Suai Covalima

For over 25 years we have had a formal commitment to support our friendship with Suai, Covalima East Timor.

Since 2000, we have had a formal commitment to support our friendship between communities in Port Phillip and Suai, Covalima in East Timor.

Through the Friends of Suai/Covalima, we are doing all we can to assist the people of Suai in their efforts to claim a new future. In the spirit of friendship, people from both communities are working together to create opportunities for development throughout the district of Covalima.

Support and funding are provided to the Covalima Community Centre in Suai to implement community development programs, with a strong focus on education, health, gender equality, livelihoods and sustainability.

To keep up to date with the latest Friends of Suai/Covalima news, follow the Friends of Suai on Facebook or subscribe to the e-newsletter via Get involved, donate or contact us links below.

Friends of Suai news

To keep up to date with Friends of Suai activities and events, sign up online.

Covalima Community Centre in Suai

Friends of Suai work in partnership with the Covalima Community Centre in Suai to meet the aims and objectives of the Friendship Agreement and to ensure the friendship pursues best practice in international development.

The CCC is a highly professional, inclusive community hub located in the town of Suai in the district of Covalima. Their work is guided by their vision to ‘build a community in which everyone has the opportunity to develop their capacities so that they can contribute to the social and economic development of the Municipality of Covalima, Timor-Leste’. Through accessible education, inclusion training and women’s skill-building sessions, the CCC is helping to create a supportive and resilient community.

Friends of Suai provide mentoring and support and raise funds for the Covalima Community Centre to ensure they can continue to implement community development programs and initiatives which benefit people throughout the district of Covalima. Funds are raised through community donations and fundraising events in Port Phillip. 

Donations by credit card can be made on our Give Now appeal page.

For more information on ways to donate, or for more information about the program, please contact us via the Get involved, donate or contact us links below.

Scholarship program

Since 2012, the Friends of Suai has raised funds to provide scholarships for students to continue their education at vocational training colleges and tertiary institutes in Timor-Leste. 

The scholarship program provides educational opportunities for students from disadvantaged families and encourages gender equity. Students are provided with pastoral care and encouragement through their studies and the program has had extremely high levels of completion.

Donations are needed to fund new and ongoing scholarships. Donations by credit card can be made on our Give Now appeal page.

For information about the program or other ways to donate, please contact us via the Contact us, get involved or donate links below.

Get involved or donate

Friends of Suai Covalima is a relationship that goes beyond the usual concept of financial aid. It connects the community in the City of Port Phillip with the community of Suai in order to enrich and enhance the lives of all involved. The participation of the community is key to the success of the friendship.

Get involved by volunteering your time, making a donation, attending our events and joining our mailing list.

All funds donated to Friends of Suai will support development activities implemented by the Covalima Community Centre in Suai.

Further information

Contact us

For more information:


Phone: ASSIST on 03 9209 6777