Great Places and Precincts

Traders, Councillors, landlords, staff and residents have been walking our high streets together to assess the condition of assets, find opportunities for uplift and activation, voice concerns about particular issues and hear about some of the works occurring in the area. This was a chance for a number of stakeholders to come together to talk about future prospects and ideas.
Following the initial walks, reports were generated for each precinct, and an internal working group was formed to prioritise opportunities and initiatives. This ongoing process aims to track progress and measure success against the established vision for each precinct.
Council will be undertaking more street audits as the year progresses and reporting on some of the more exciting projects arising as a result.
This program delivers on the council objectives of:
- Improved communication and engagement
- Improved stakeholder relations
- Implementing a place custodian approach to improve local amenity and vibrancy