The strategy has been out for community consultation as part of a major review. You can view the Have Your Say page here: Urban Forest Strategy | Have Your Say Port Phillip.

The community consultation phase has now ended. Keep an eye out on or website and social media for the announcement of our new and improved strategy in the near future.

The Greening Port Phillip Strategy aims to promote the growth and health of all the plants, trees, shrubs and turf in the city. Trees and plants are a crucial part of the city, but, when doing any work on them, we also consider how they relate to buildings, roads, paths, utilities, open spaces, and activity centres. We call this the ‘urban forest approach’. 

Curious about what an urban forest is? It's all the trees and related vegetation in our city. In Port Phillip, this includes gardens in front and backyards, on balconies, rooftops, and even vertical gardens. Street trees, shrubs, ground cover, and public space trees and gardens all make up our urban forest. We approach managing all these green spaces with a unified perspective, considering both public and private trees in our planning and development. 

We also make sure we protect the heritage and character of our neighbourhoods when planting or maintaining trees in our parks and open spaces. Creating an urban forest means that everyone can enjoy the benefits of accessible open spaces even though we live in a built-up area, by striking a balance between development and green spaces. 

The strategy has a few important parts: 

  • A tree policy
  • A guide for planting trees on streets
  • Guidelines for maintaining trees
  • Strategic and master plans 

Want to dive deeper into our strategy? You can download a copy here: Greening Port Phillip – An Urban Forest Approach. If you prefer a printed copy, feel free to reach out to us via the contact options below.

Contact us

Our Parks and Trees team is here to help.

Send us a message on My Port Phillip

Phone: 03 9209 6777