My Port Phillip

Submitting your application on My Port Phillip is the fastest and easiest way. You can make secure payments and also track your application.

Property information

Find out more about gathering property information, including the Certificate of Title.

Property information forms:




You need the relevant construction permits for your project before starting building work.

All construction permit forms can be submitted by:

  1. Logging on to My Port Phillip online services
  2. Select ‘Apply for a permit’
  3. Select ‘Construction permits’ and click ‘Start’
  4. Select the relevant construction form
  5. Provide all the development details
  6. Review and ‘Lodge’ the application
  7. Accept the Terms and Conditions
  8. Attach all supporting documents
  9. Pay the permit fee. A card payment fee applies.

Download the relevant construction forms:

Object or support a permit application

The easiest way to object or support a planning permit is to use My Port Philip online services. If you can’t do this online, you can download the form.

Download the Objection to a planning permit - Section 57 (148 KB).

Contact Us

Our Planning and Building team is here to help.

Send us a message on My Port Phillip.

Phone: 03 9209 6424


In-person: visit the Planning and Building Counter at St Kilda Town Hall during opening hours (8.30 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday)