Cultural Development Fund - Key Organisations

Applications are now closed

Photo: Australian Tapestry Workshop

Applications for 2023-2025 CDF - Key Organisations have now closed.

The arts are an essential part of the cultural diversity, creativity and prosperity of our communities.

The Cultural Development Fund (CDF) grants program has been developed by Council to support artists, arts and cultural organisations and creative community projects in the City of Port Phillip.

Projects should contribute to the Council Plan strategic directions to guide our program priorities for the future. Projects will be evaluated according to how well they meet these priorities:

  • Vibrant: with a flourishing economy, where our community and local business thrive, and we maintain and enhance our reputation as one of Melbourne’s cultural and creative hubs.
  • Inclusive: a place for all members of our community, where people feel supported and comfortable being themselves and expressing their identities

Cultural Development Fund - Key Organisations

Cultural Development Fund (CDF) - Key Organisations is a City of Port Phillip arts funding initiative developed through the Art and Soul: Creative and Prosperous City Strategy to provide multi-year organisational funding for significant arts and cultural organisations in the City of Port Phillip.

Applicant organisations may apply for up to $30,000 per annum for 3 years.

The City of Port Phillip is now seeking applications for 2023-2025 CDF-Key Organisations grant round.

Program objectives:

The CDF-Key Organisations program is designed to:

  • Provide multi-year organisational funding to significant arts and cultural organisations in the City of Port Phillip
  • Assist key arts and cultural organisations with the capacity to build new audiences, increase visitation to our City and increase engagement with community
  • Increase partnership opportunities for arts organisations through leverage and strengthening financial viability for not-for-profit organisations
  • Add value and extend the reach to arts activities and community engagement
  • Enable forward planning for arts organisations with multi-year funding, reducing administrative processes and building organisational capacity
  • Increase creative outcomes

Key dates

  • Applications Open: 9am Monday 21 February 2022
  • Applications Close: 4pm Friday 25 March 2022


Eligible applicants must:

  • be an incorporated not-for-profit arts and cultural organisation based in the City of Port Phillip with current ABN
  • be a legal constituted entity for at least two years with a formal governance structure, annual financial budgeting and reporting and an annual operational or business plan
  • provide activities that primarily involve, benefit or employ artists, arts workers and cultural professionals
  • have a track record of presenting professional programs and providing quality sector services
  • have a primary focus of developing and presenting events and/or exhibition programs;
  • have organisational Public Liability Insurance Liability Insurance to at least the value of $20 Million

For further information about an application contact the Grants and Funding Officer, on phone: 03 9209 6777 or email

How to apply

The City of Port Phillip uses the Smartygrants online application system. Preview and login to apply here.

For questions or assistance with the application forms or the Smartygrants process contact the Grants and Funding Officer 03 9209 6777 or

Applicants should read carefully and are encouraged to contact officers before applying.

2023-2025 CDF-Key Organisations Guidelines and criteria (DOCX 266 KB)
2023-2025 CDF-Key Organisations Guidelines and criteria (PDF 848 KB)

CDF - Key Organisations Funding current recipients:

Eight arts and cultural organisations in the City of Port Phillip were awarded funding for 3 years from 2023 to 2025 by Council:

  • Australian Tapestry Workshop
  • Jewish Museum of Australia
  • Phillip Adams BalletLab
  • Space2b
  • Rawcus Theatre Company
  • Red Stitch Actors Theatre
  • The Torch
  • Theatre Works

Other Council funding opportunities and resources

Find information about other City of Port Phillip grants, including Cultural Development Fund annual projects grants via Funds, Grants and Subsidies

Access and support information

For general Council information about the National Relay Service, language translation and Auslan services see the Accessibility page. For Metro Access support contact 03 9209 6777.