City of Port Phillip Interpreter Services

St Kilda Town Hall, 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda
Interpreter ServicesOther information
Nearly a quarter of residents in the City of Port Phillip speak languages other than English at home. Council offers a free multilingual telephone interpreting service for Council enquiries. Please phone our language-specific service. The interpreter will put a caller in touch with our call centre so we are able to respond to your enquiries.
廣 東 話 (Cantonese) 03 9679 9810
普 通 话 (Mandarin) 03 9679 9858
Ελληνικά (Greek) 03 9679 9811
Polski (Polish) 03 9679 9812
Русский (Russian) 03 9679 9813
Other languages 03 9679 9814
You can also write to Council in your own language and Council will translate the document. Staff at Council's Customer Service Counters can also access an interpreter for enquiries in-person.