South Melbourne (Skinners) Adventure Playground

The Adventure Playgrounds offer outdoor play opportunities and an element of risky play in a fun, inclusive and natural environment. While we offer supervised programs to Adventure Playground members aged 5 to 12 years, the playground is also accessible to children and families.

    Standard opening hours

    • Monday to Friday: 3.30 to 5.30 pm
    • Weekends and school holidays: 12 midday to 4.30 pm
    • Closed on public holidays

    Note: Opening hours are subject to change due to extreme weather events and staffing availability. To check if the playground is open, please visit the Skinners Adventure Playground Google page. 

    Opening hours during school holidays period

    Here are our usual opening hours during school holidays:

    • Open from 12 midday to 4.30 pm Monday to Sunday
    • Closed on all public holidays

    Note: Opening hours are subject to change due to extreme weather events and staffing availability. To check if the playground is open, please visit the Skinners Adventure Playground Google page

    Holiday Program activities are offered to our Adventure Playground Members between 1 to 3 pm Tuesday to Friday.

    More information

    Contact us

    Our Middle Years and Youth Services team is here to help.

    Send us a message on My Port Phillip.

    Phone: 03 9209 6777
    Mobile: 0402 972 656

    Street address: 211a Dorcas Street, South Melbourne
    Post address: Private Bag No 3, PO St Kilda, 3182