
Across the City of Port Phillip



    Why are we doing this?

    Fusarium wilt is a serious disease that affects Canary Island Date Palms (Phoenix canariensis) across the world including Australia.

    Fusarium wilt has been present in the City of Port Phillip for almost 20 years. Council's tree management staff and tree contractor are familiar with identifying and managing it. An inspection of all palms on Council-managed land is undertaken annually.

    Unfortunately, there is no effective treatment for this disease, and infection will eventually kill the tree. We are currently working toward a strategy to manage our long-term response to the disease.

    This disease affects trees and is not transmittable to humans.

    The impact


    We have strict biosecurity protocols in place when working with all potentially infected palms. Please keep clear of the soil surrounding these palms, to prevent the spread of disease to healthy palms. We will be putting signage up at all palms that are potentially infected to alert people walking past.

    We are actively managing the outbreak by:

    • inspecting palms annually
    • testing any palms showing symptoms
    • removing any palms within one month of a positive Fusarium wilt diagnosis month to contain the disease and limit spread to other palms
    • ensuring strict biosecurity protocols are used for all palm maintenance including frond trimming and removal of dead fronds
    • restricting pedestrian movement on soil areas around known infection areas
    • installing signs in known infected areas to inform the community of the disease and to stay off garden areas.

    Current Actions

    Following the most recent round of testing, 10 palms tested positive for Fusarium, and these have been scheduled for removal. They are in the following locations:

    Albert Park

    • Front of 33 Beaconsfield Parade
    • Front of 34 Beaconsfield Parade
    • Opposite 120 Beaconsfield Parade
    • Front of 131 Beaconsfield Parade
    • Front of 149 Beaconsfield Parade
    • Gasworks Arts Park

    Middle Park

    • Front of 178 Beaconsfield Parade
    • Front of 189 Beaconsfield Parade

    St Kilda

    • Front of 42 Marine Parade
    • Front of 26 Jacka Boulevard

    Council acknowledges that this removal will impact the amenity for some residents. Removal of infected palms is currently the only effective method to control the spread of Fusarium. 

    Stump removal will occur in the weeks following the removal of the trunks. The tree plots will be planted out with native ground covers by the end of October. Planting out the plots is an interim measure while the long-term planting strategy is being finalised.

    If you have any questions, please contact 03 9209 6777.

    About Fusarium Wilt