Middle Park beach renourishment

Middle Park beach renourishment map
Why are we doing this?
Like many of City of Port Phillip’s beaches, Middle Park Beach is artificially made and requires ongoing sand replacement. Climate change speeds up erosion and regular renourishment campaigns are required. Previous works were completed in 2020, 2016 and 2008 to 35 metres wide at high tide between Langridge and Mill Streets.
Beach conditions are currently reasonable, but Council is trying to be proactive by doing works before a severe storm, which would dramatically decrease the beach width. Once complete, renourishment will offer some protection to the beach from weather events.
The impact
Project works are proposed to start March 2026 during winter and be completed in May 2026 prior to the summer peak, subject to favourable weather and conditions. Work will take place during the cooler months to mitigate public safety risks.
During construction period sections of the beach will be closed in stages to minimise disruption to the public. Appropriate fencing and barriers will be installed to limit public access into the construction site. A fenced construction compound will be set-up for larger equipment including the sand dredge, booster pump and bulldozer.
The contractor will work 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Allowing the contractor to work to this schedule will result in fewer delays and less impact to the community.
During night works, effective noise barriers will be in place. Pumping of sand will be allowed but no mechanical spreading of the sand.
The works will be designed and engineered by independent coastal engineers to increase the beach area and minimise coastal erosion. A dredge will be used to recover sand approximately 750 metres offshore and pump it back onto the beach.
Once completed, the renourishment is expected to:
- increase beach width
- improve recreational amenity for the whole community
- provide a buffer from storm damage on the surrounding area, including the heritage beach shelter, Sandbar Café, the bluestone wall and the Bay Trail.
A competitive public tender process in partnership with the Victorian Government will be advertised in early 2025 with a contractor appointed by June 2025.
The renourishment of Middle Park Beach is managed by the City of Port Phillip and funded by DEECA through a Deed of Grant.
The works involve dredging about 37,000 cubic metres of sand, which will be spread out to create a larger beach profile.
The dredged sand will be darker in colour and may smell at first because of naturally occurring organics being exposed to the air. Within a few days, the new sand will bleach from sunlight exposure and the wave action and the ongoing tidal cycles will match the existing naturally bleached beach sand.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
More information
For more information, please contact us.