Melbourne Water's Elwood Main Drain Duplication Project
Melbourne Water's project aims to reduce flooding impacts in Elwood and Brighton. They are working to increase the capacity of the drainage network.

Elwood Park, Elwood foreshore and beach, Head Street, St Kilda Street and Ormond Esplanade, Elwood
Funded and managed by Melbounre Water
Why are we doing this?
Find out more about this project and how you can be kept informed at Melbourne Water.
The impact
There will be impacts to sports clubs at Elwood Park, including the Elwood Croquet Club. Council and Melbourne Water are working with the clubs to minimise these impacts during the project period.
Separate projects will be run to rebuild the croquet pavilion and courts and the sports grounds once the Melbourne Water drain project is complete.
Melbourne Water will seek to reduce flooding impacts in the Elster Creek area downstream of Elsternwick Park, by duplicating part of the existing Elwood Main Drain.
You can contact City Port Phillip officers regarding this project at