Land acquisitions for new open space

New open space is coming soon.

Marriott Street, St Kilda


St Kilda & St Kilda East


Why are we doing this?

Our Council is committed to supporting the ongoing delivery of high quality, multipurpose and community-driven public space in our City.

That’s why we have acquired several properties within St Kilda and St Kilda East for the creation of much-needed open space.

As our City continues to grow and change, Council has observed an increased demand for the use of public open space.

There are significant gaps in our public open space network within Balaclava, St Kilda and St Kilda East. As such, these areas are a focus for Council to deliver additional open space now and in the future.

To ensure residents and visitors have access to quality open space, Council recently acquired several properties within St Kilda and St Kilda East for the creation of additional open space.

This delivers on priority actions in our Places for People: Public Space Strategy 2022 – 2032. Council has acquired these properties in line with our new Public Space Land Acquisition Strategy.

The impact

The new open spaces will be located at:

  • 15 Marriott Street, St Kilda
  • 43 Pakington Street, St Kilda
  • 49 Pakington Street, St Kilda
  • 30 Kalymna Grove, St Kilda East
  • 14 Lansdowne Road, St Kilda East


Community engagement will be carried out for each of these new spaces and the community will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the design.

Register on Council’s Have Your Say page for updates for future community consultation.

Contact Us

The Open Space Planning team is here to help.

Send us a message on My Port Phillip

Phone: 03 9209 6777