Heritage Program
Why are we doing this?
Council commenced its Heritage Program in 2017. The Program aims to systematically review and update existing heritage protections and documentation to ensure that they satisfy current State Government requirements and reflect community attitudes towards heritage.
The impact
What we’ve done
Council has completed the following:
- Engaged the community through the ‘Heritage Here and Now’ consultation to identify how community members value heritage and identify gaps in Council’s heritage provisions and policy. More information can be found on the Heritage - Here and Now page on Have Your Say.
- Reviewed and updated the Port Phillip Thematic Environmental History (TEH) based on the ‘Heritage Here and Now’ consultation.
- Reviewed and updated Council’s Heritage Policy and Heritage Design Guidelines in the Port Phillip Planning Scheme to improve guidance on development in heritage areas. More information can be found on Updating our Local Heritage Policy. Amendment C203port to implement the updates was approved by the Minister for Planning and came into effect on 14 April 2023. More information can be found at Amendment C203port Planning Scheme Review.
- Reviewed the existing Heritage Overlay 6 – St Kilda East (HO6) Precinct to improve its statutory documentation and address known gaps in heritage protection around the border of the precinct. Amendment C142port to implement the HO6 Review findings was approved under delegation from the Minister for Planning and came into effect on the 30 July 2020. More information can be found at Amendment C142port – Review of Heritage Overlay 6.
What we’re doing
Council is currently progressing detailed reviews of three heritage precincts and one area outside of a heritage precinct.
Heritage Overlay 7 – St Kilda, Elwood, Balaclava and Ripponlea (HO7) Precinct Review
The Heritage Overlay 7 Precinct Review seeks to review and update the heritage controls and documentation of properties in and surrounded the HO7 precinct in Elwood, St Kilda, Balaclava and Ripponlea.
The Review comprises the following reports:
- HO7 Review – Stage 2 Detailed Assessment (RBA Architects and Conservation Consultants, 2022)
- HO7 Precinct (St Kilda, Balaclava, Elwood and Ripponlea): Heritage Review Stage 2: Review of existing heritage citations (Peter Andrew Barrett and David Helms, 2021)
The HO7 Precinct Review was endorsed by Council on 7 September 2022. More information about the Review can be found on the Review of Heritage Overlay 7 page on Have Your Say.
On 12 October 2022, Council officers submitted a request to the Minister for Planning to authorise the preparation of Amendment C206port. This amendment will implement the findings of the HO7 Review on a permanent basis and is currently awaiting authorisation. Once authorised, the amendment will be exhibited in accordance with statutory requirements.
Additionally, Council also requested the approval of interim controls through Amendment C209port for the places affected by Amendment C206port. These interim controls are intended to provide temporary heritage protection until the full assessment of their heritage significance can be conducted as part of the planning scheme amendment process. More information about this amendment can be found on the Amendment c209port web page
Heritage Overlay 8 – Elwood–Glen Huntly Road, Ormond Road (HO8) Precinct Review
The Heritage Overlay 8 Precinct Review seeks to review and update the heritage controls and documentation of properties in and surrounded the HO7 precinct in Elwood, St Kilda, Balaclava and Ripponlea.
Council has recently delivered the draft Elwood Stage 2 Heritage Review Findings Report and Place Citations and is seeking feedback from the community prior to finalising the report.
More information about this amendment can be found on the Review of Heritage Overlay 8 page on Have Your Say.
Heritage Review: Port Melbourne
The Heritage Review of Port Melbourne seeks to assess the potential heritage significance of several properties just outside of the Heritage Overlay 1 – Port Melbourne Precinct boundaries. Council has recently delivered the draft Stage 2 Heritage Review: Port Melbourne. It will be implemented through an amendment to the Port Phillip Planning Scheme.
Heritage Overlay 5 – St Kilda Hill (HO5) Precinct Review
The Heritage Overlay 5 Precinct Review seeks to review and update the heritage controls and documentation of properties in and surrounded the HO5 precinct in St Kilda.
Council officers have begun background investigations on Heritage Overlay 5, which includes compiling a list of properties to be investigated and the preparation of a consultant brief to undertake preliminary assessment. It is anticipated that a consultant will be appointed to undertake the preliminary assessment in the 24/25 FY.
Heritage Review of 21 Dorcas Street, South Melbourne
An individual heritage review was conducted for 21 Dorcas Street, South Melbourne. The assessment determined that the place was of potential heritage significance. The review outcomes and decision to progress with applying the HO on an interim and permanent basis through amendments to the Port Phillip Planning Scheme was endorsed by Council on 4 October 2023.
More information about the amendments can be found here:
- Amendment C214port - Proposed Heritage Overlay for 21 Dorcas Street, South Melbourne (Interim Controls)
- Amendment C215port - Proposed Heritage Overlay for 21 Dorcas Street South Melbourne (Permanent Controls)
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