Elwood Park Changeroom Facilities

- Community consultation on project19 Nov 2023Community members were invited to provide feedback on the project using an online feedback form.
- Construction commences20 Oct 2024
- Construction complete30 Jan 2025
Why are we doing this?
Elwood Park is home to six clubs who share four sports fields, a shared pavilion and change facilities. We have seen an increase in participation in sports clubs sport, particularly with more women and girls getting involved. This growth means the change rooms and facilities are no longer meeting the needs of members.
Due to this, on 2 November 2023 Councillors supported a 'Notice of Motion' that Council "Request officers to investigate options to expeditiously and cost effectively provide additional change and umpire room infrastructure at Elwood Reserve to cater for growth and better support participation by women and girls in sport while longer-term infrastructure requirements are addressed through the Elwood Foreshore Masterplan (currently under development)."
The impact
The building is temporary, and it is anticipated it will be in place for at least 5 years as we implement the Elwood Foreshore Masterplan
As we implement the Elwood Masterplan the pavilion will be updated and when this happens this building will be removed.
To keep up with demand, and to ensure the safety of all users, Council are constructing a temporary building to house new facilities including two club users’ change rooms and four all gender toilets.
Community Consultation
Community consultation was undertaken on the project in Oct/Nov 2023. Refer to our Have Your Say page for further details: Improving the Elwood Park changeroom facilities | Have Your Say Port Phillip.
Contact us
The Open Space Project Delivery team is here to help.
Send us a message on My Port Phillip.
Phone: 03 9209 6777