Domain Precinct

Several major public and private projects are currently underway in the Domain Precinct, most notably the construction of Anzac Station and the Metro Tunnel Project. St Kilda Road, one of our most famous boulevards and busiest streets, is at the heart of this precinct.


South Melbourne



    Why are we doing this?

    The Domain precinct is experiencing great change due to activities led by both the Victorian Government and commercial sector.

    The impact

    Further steps are required to take the projects described in the Masterplan forward to deliver physical changes in the precinct.

    Detailed design of projects identified in the Masterplan will involve feasibility and site analysis to prepare construction-ready designs. Delivery is dependent on the availability of funding and prioritisation of the project in Council's annual budget.

    The Masterplan is also used to inform Council's other strategic projects, such as the Public Space Strategy and ongoing advocacy with key stakeholders.


    To respond to the opportunities and challenges this change presents, we developed a Public Realm Masterplan (PDF 6.7 MB) which proposes a range of improvements to the Domain precinct's public realm, including footpaths, roads, trees and streetscapes. It includes:

    • a vision for the precinct
    • an historical and contemporary context
    • an urban context analysis
    • a summary of the community engagement process to date
    • plans, sections and images that detail the proposed improvements
    • suggested steps for implementing the Masterplan
    • funding opportunities.

    The Masterplan, developed through three stages of community engagement during 2018 and 2019, demonstrates the community’s vision and design principles for a well-designed and connected precinct.

    Other projects in the Domain precinct

    These are some of the important projects and initiatives underway or recently completed in the Domain precinct:

    Contact us

    Our Partnerships and Transport team is here to help.

    Send us a message on My Port Phillip

    Phone: 03 9209 6777.