
City of Port Phillip


The Housing Strategy includes an implementation plan which identifies actions that Council can implement, actions that Council can implement with other stakeholders. Recommended actions may require future budget.


    Why are we doing this?

    The State Government requires Council to plan for housing growth over the next 15 years, and it is a key initiative of our Council Plan 2021-31. A lot has changed since our last Housing Strategy was developed, including population growth, changing housing needs, increased issues with affordability, and greater focus on sustainability. The Housing Strategy is one of the main ways we seek to planning for our residents' current and future housing needs.

    The impact

    The Housing Strategy is an important local planning document that helps Council plan for housing growth and change in the municipality. It identifies Port Phillip’s capacity to accommodate new housing, where new housing should be located, what types of new housing is needed, how these new houses should be designed, as well as how we can maintain and enhance the things we like about our city.  


    The endorsed Housing Strategy objectives are:

    • Ensure adequate housing supply
    • Direct new housing to appropriate locations
    • Encourage new housing responds to neighbourhood character and heritage values of established residential areas
    • Encourage a range of housing options to support our diverse community
    • Support new housing that is well-designed and resilient to the impacts of climate change
    • Facilitate the provision of more affordable housing