Port Phillip Council checking in with young music fans

Great prizes up for grabs for survey respondents aged between 15 to 25 years include double passes to the M.I.C.S on Youth music forum at JMC Academy and access to its live music events: an over 18s showcase at the Prince Bandroom on 31 August or all-ages gigs at the Espy Basement on 1 September. There are also two double passes for a RAWKUS Live all ages gig at the Espy Basement on 15 September.
Data from the survey will build on Music Victoria’s 2023 survey where 85 per cent of 16-18-year-olds cited obstacles to attending concerts and festivals, including lack of motivation and cost.
All young music fans need to do is go online and share how they find and listen to music and what they want from a live gig. The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete and will help shape future live music offerings in the municipality.
While the survey is focused on young Port Phillip residents, Council is also keen to hear from music fans elsewhere in that age group who already enjoy visiting the area to see an act or have ideas about what would get them over the line to drop by.
Mayor Heather Cunsolo said the survey is a perfect fit with Council’s Live Music Action Plan and its declaration of Victoria’s first Live Music Precinct (LMP) in St Kilda in 2023.
While Port Phillip is known and loved for its live music scene, bands and its passionate existing live music audience are growing older, making it imperative to encourage a new generation of fans and musicians.
‘’The LMP aims to help future proof live venues in St Kilda through the Planning Scheme Amendment that is currently before the Victorian Planning Minister. The next step is actively encouraging the next generation of music fans to fill them,” Cr Cunsolo said.
“We know from the Music Victoria survey, and the tremendous turnout at our St Kilda Festival each year, that young Victorians definitely have an appetite for live music. Our survey is about filling in the gaps to motivate more young music lovers to support the tremendous talent and live music venues on offer in our City.”
The survey, Youth Soundcheck - experiences of live music in our City | Have Your Say Port Phillip, closes on 16 September 2024.
Council is also supporting the next generation of musicians and industry workers through its sponsorship of the inaugural M.I.C.S on Youth Music Forum, where it will partner with youth consultants Y Lab on running a Youth Soundcheck facilitation session. It will also survey local secondary school students at the City of Port Phillip’s Youth Summit at St Kilda Town Hall on 1 August.
Survey responses should be submitted before the final deadline for participants to have the opportunity to win prizes.
To buy tickets for the M.I.C.S forum and sign up for the Youth Soundcheck facilitation session go to: