• Waste and recycling
  • Sustainability

Have your say on the future of waste and recycling

Published 14 March 2025
We’re about to develop our next waste and recycling strategy. It will be our guide to all things waste related for the next few years. Before we get started, we want to know your views on the future of recycling and our transition to a circular economy.

Don’t Waste It! 2022-2025 is a three-year strategy that outlines how we are transforming our City’s waste services. So far, the strategy has determined some of the biggest service changes in Port Phillip’s history, including the establishment of a food and garden organics recycling service and communal glass hub recycling. Before we write our next strategy, we would like your input so that we can shape our waste services to work best for our community.

The changing nature of waste 

Since the current strategy was written, there have been legislative changes that impact how we can offer waste services in the future – such as kerbside glass recycling. We also need to continue to increase what we recycle and reduce what we send to landfill. This includes reducing contamination in each of our waste streams. This is necessary to minimise costs and to protect our environment.

We want to hear from you

There are several ways we can manage the challenges of waste and recycling, but we are interested in knowing what will work best for you.

This is why we are seeking your feedback on the following topics:

  • Glass recycling: From 1 July 2027, glass will no longer be allowed in mixed recycling. We will need to collect it separately. We want to know what kind of glass recycling services will suit you.
  • Reducing garbage through increasing recycling: For environmental and financial reasons, we must reduce the amount of waste we send to landfill. We would like to hear your preferences for how we do this.
  • Supporting a Circular Economy: As a community, we want to transition to an economy where nothing is wasted and materials are continuously reused. We want to know how you think Council can best support this goal.
  • Communication: Everyone has different preferences when it comes to receiving information. Tell us how you’d like to receive information on waste and recycling.
  • How things are going: We want to know how you think we’re doing generally and where we could improve.

Take our survey

We know waste is complicated, and everyone uses their bins differently. Tell us what you think about the above by completing our survey.

Speak with us

You can provide your thoughts to us in person via our Neighbourhood Engagement Program. We’re popping up at various locations across Port Phillip this March.

For information on session times and locations, visit: Neighbourhood conversations | Have Your Say Port Phillip

What is a ‘Circular Economy’ and why is it important?

A circular economy moves us away from a linear mindset where we take, use and throw away. Instead, it focuses on opportunities to reduce the environmental impacts of production and consumption through reuse, materials recovery, and recycling.

The idea behind a circular economy is that materials never become waste, and products and materials are kept in circulation. This involves maintenance, reuse, refurbishment, remanufacturing, recycling and composting. This reduces the need for ‘virgin’ materials and minimises the destruction of natural resources.

For more information

For more information on our waste strategy consultation, visit our Have Your Say project page or call ASSIST on 03 9209 6777.