Green Team on the go

Over 850 trees from a range of species are now providing the further shade and biodiversity we are rolling out under our Urban Forest Strategy.
These additional new and replacement trees are part of our regular street tree planting program with even more popping up in projects and Greening Port Phillip programs. Last season we partnered with Metro Rail Projects to deliver 141 new trees along the Ferrars Street/Canterbury Road corridor.
Dubbed Operation Findaspot, our Green Team has been systematically scouring Port Phillip to identify suitable sites for replacement and new trees on nature strips and verges.
They have walked approximately 40 per cent of our City so far, identifying more than 650 sites. These locations will be considered along with resident requests when the 2025 planting list is drawn up.
Replacement plantings are generally ‘like for like’, however we are always reviewing plantings for long term suitability for climate change and the current streetscape. When a species review is necessary, our Green Team evaluates the area to determine the most appropriate species. This assessment will be further refined through the development of Urban Forest Precinct Plans (UFPP) in 2025. Replacement of plane trees will be guided by the management plan that is being prepared for public comment.
Residents can request trees by going to Complaints and service requests - City of Port Phillip and clicking on ‘make a request’ under the Request a Service heading or by calling ASSIST on 03 9209 6777.
It’s been reported that at least 40 trees planted last season have already been vandalised. As well as being costly, this purposeful destruction delays development of the next stage of our UFPP. Anyone witnessing vandalism of our trees is urged to contact our Local Laws team on 03 9209 6777.
The 2024 planting season saw:
13,725 new plants appear at traffic treatments
- Dietes bi-colour
- Banksia "Little Eric"
- Society Garlic
- Liriope evergreen giant
- Austrastrip stipoides
- Dianella revoluta
- Dianella Brevicaulis
- Oleander nerium
3,569 plants in parks
- Lomandra tanika
- Rosmarinus prostate
- Agastache blue
- Dianella - Cassa Blue
- Kangaroo Paw - Mixed
- Carpobrotus
- Clivia miniata
37,150 plants in native vegetation areas
- Austrostipa stipoides
- Chrysocephalum apiculatum
- Chrysocephalum semipapposum
- Poa labillardierei
Top tree planting species in 2024 plantings
- Zelkova serrata ‘Wireless’
- Ulmus ‘Frontier’
- Acacia binervia
- Corymbia citriodora 'Herberton'
- Eucalyptus Torquata x woodwardii
- Banksia marginata
- Banksia integrifolia
- Tristaniopsis laurina 'Luscious'.