• Council meeting recap

Council meeting catchup - 15 May 2024

Published 17 May 2024
Did you miss our last Council meeting? Here’s a recap of what was discussed.

The 15 May Council Meeting was held at St Kilda Town Hall. 

Removal of agenda item

Mayor Cunsolo advised that following a request for removal of Confidential item 17.1 ‘VCAT Matter’ from the CEO and with their consent, the item was removed from the agenda in accordance with Rule 19 of Council’s Governance Rules.

Brian Tee, General Manager City Growth and Development advised that item 17.1 ‘VCAT Matter’ was scheduled on the agenda following correspondence from the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) which indicated the possibility of requiring a Council decision in relation to this matter. Subsequently, Council was advised by VCAT that due to a change in circumstances, the decision of Council was no longer required, therefore the item was withdrawn from the agenda.

Items actioned:

  • Councillors adopted Option B for the Inkerman Street Safety Improvement Project to see the installation of an on-road bike lane with painted buffers between cyclists / moving vehicles and between cyclists / parked vehicles.
  • Councillors adopted a Notice of Motion by Cr Cunsolo to extend the current legacy Foreshore Community Service permits valid from 1 November – 30 April to a year-round permit. This includes reducing the fees and increasing the cap for Lifesaving Clubs in Port Phillip.

Council meeting agenda

Confidential Matters

Please note: The minutes of the Council meeting will be confirmed at the next meeting.

Watch the Council meeting

More information

To view the full agenda, upcoming or past Council meeting minutes and relevant attachments, visit our 2024 meetings and agendas page.